Program Keys to Jaguar X Type

The following steps show you how it is possible to add extra keys to your Jaguar X type.


  1. Gather all relevant keys. Find all the keys for your vehicle and keep them together.
  2. Put the first key in the ignition barrel. Cycle to "On." Then, turn back one "click" and turn forward again. You should do this four times, relatively rapidly.
  3. Wait for the sound. You should hear a chime.
  4. Take the key out of the barrel. Press any button on the key.
  5. Note that another chime will be heard. This means that key one is now programmed.
  6. Repeat above steps for all other keys. You're done!


  • Determine if the new key works before trying to program it to your vehicle. Most dealers can test this for you.


  • This can leave your car unusable, so think about what you are going to do if this procedure does not work.

Things You'll Need

  • Keys
  • Jaguar