Publish a Novel

You've written your novel, but you don't know how to get it in bookstores. Assuming you don't want to self-publish, and assuming you're a first-time author, you're going to need a literary agent. Literary agents are the gatekeepers of the publishing world. Here's a step-by-step outline for snaring the elusive beast.


  1. First, copyright your manuscript so that an agent does not steal it. Have your manuscript professionally edited. You should only pitch agents your absolute best work.
  2. Research potential agents. Top resource books include Writers Market and the Jeff Herman Guide to Literary Agents. Plus, almost every literary agency hosts a website. Consult for the most up-to-date information.
  3. Make a list of agents who represent your type of work, be it young adult, romance, science fiction, non-fiction, and so on.
  4. Narrow your agent pool by researching titles each agent has represented. Dozens of agents specialize in young adult paranormal fiction; don't pitch them if you've written a young adult book about a kid detective.
  5. Craft your query letter. A query letter is an agent's first look at you the writer. It needs to be dynamite. It should 1. Tell what you book is about in three compelling sentences; 2. State why you are querying that specific agent; and 3. Explain why you are the person to write this particular book. One page, max.
  6. Follow each agent's query submission guidelines and send your letters. Yes, you can query more than one agent at a time. Just be sure to personalize each query and only solicit one agent per literary house. Note: make sure your first chapter is dynamite. Some agents request a first chapter along with your query letter. This is your chance to impress. You need to make the most of it.
  7. If an agent is interested in seeing your work, he/she will request either a partial or full manuscript. Follow submission instructions closely. At this point it is perfectly acceptable to ask for a reading timeline. A reputable agent should respond to a manuscript within 2-3 months.
  8. While you wait, keep writing. If you do receive an offer of representation, the agent will want to know what else you're working on. Think of it as a long-term relationship.
  9. The offer. If you get it, be prepared with a list of questions. Commission structure? Foreign rights? Editing process? You want to know exactly what you're entering into.
  10. Publication. Remember, an agent needs to sell your book to a publishing house. This may take one week. Or one year. Or it may not happen at all. Be patient and professional in this process and let the agent do his/her job.
  11. Be persistent. The book The Help was rejected over two dozen times before it was eventually published. Look how that turned out. Literary agents are busy, in-demand folks. But they want to discover the next great novel. Keep after them.


  • If you do receive an offer of representation, inform other agents who you've queried/sent manuscript to but haven't heard back from. They may request a few days to review your work.
  • Title page
  • Manuscript format
  • Genre and word count
  • 1.5-inch margins all around
  • Work on your marketing platform. It's more important for non-fiction than fiction writers, but still, authors do a lot of their own PR work these days. Your platform can make the difference when it comes to getting representation and selling books.
  • Try to build up a portfolio of clips/shorts stories.
  • Title - centered, just above the middle of the page
  • Font: Times New Roman is the safest bet
  • Name/title in upper left hand corner of each page
  • Prepared for - agent's full name and contact information
  • Attend writing conferences. It's the single best way to make connections to literary agents. If you can't attend, read agent blogs.
  • Your full contact information
  • By (your name)- centered, below title
  • Double-spaced
  • Send queries in groups. Maybe 4-6 at a time. If your agent list is solid but your first ten queries are rejected, your query letter isn't good enough. Revise and send to new agents.
  • Page number in bottom right hand corner of each page


  • Beware the agent who charges a "reading fee."
  • Beware the agency without a website.
  • Never address a query letter "Dear Agent." Always use Mr. or Miss or Mrs. + last name.
  • Beware the agency not listed with the Association of Authors' Representatives.
  • Securing an agent does not guarantee a published book.
  • Never pitch more than one agent at a literary house.
  • Copyright your book before sending it off to agents, editors, and publishers. Some agents have been known to steal their client's work!
  • Never call a literary agency to pitch your book or to follow-up on a query.

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