Start a Writing Career Without a Degree or Experience

It's easy to feel intimidated when we encounter writers who seem to have established themselves already in the writing field. Add to that their impressive qualifications and writing degrees and vast experience. Now, you want to be a writer but you feel you are nothing compared to them. You have few years of schooling with zero experience. How do you start your writing career and find the fulfillment in your chosen path? With hard work, perseverance and some creativity.


  1. Keep your passion alive. Aspiring writers need to have that strong desire to write even if they are faced with several challenges. You may find fulfillment in writing if you notice you writing has a positive impact on other people. There may be times you feel you're not good enough, let your burning desire to write keep you going.
  2. Look beyond your own limitations. Not all writing jobs require you to have an impressive resume in journalism. There are various online writing jobs that you can try such as writing for and several other sites that don't require you to have any writing qualifications or experience. Research, and you will see that there are various opportunities to write even if you are short in education or experience.
  3. Hone your writing skills. Good writers always take the time to improve themselves and their work. Polish your grammar and vocabulary skills. This step is challenging to those writers whose native language is not English. With study, practice, and daily commitment, you will find yourself getting better in your writing career.
  4. Find a mentor who can help you with your writing. When you are starting to write, it can be a little scary when you don't know the intricacies of the career you are going to pursue. Having someone to guide you through your actions and provide positive feedback to your work and progress is very helpful and stimulating.
  5. Believe in yourself. To establish yourself in the writing field, you need to have that confidence that you are a competent writer. Never feel intimidated with other writers. It will stop you from being productive. Develop your own style and keep your focus. There is nothing too impossible to achieve if you believe that you can do it.
  6. Don't give up. Let's be honest here, you will probably get a lot of reject e-mails. But that's okay! J.K Rowling didn't publish Harry Potter at her first try and look where it got her now! The point is, you have to keep trying. Just because your novel gets rejected doesn't mean that your novel isn't good enough. It often means that the publisher is too busy, or that it's not what they're looking for. Keep trying!


  • Try self publishing if you just want your work in print.


  • You may never make enough money to live on. Consider having a job as well as your writing career.

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