Put Together a First Period Kit

Although there can be signs that your first period (menarche) is on it’s way; changes to your mood, armpit hair, heavier discharge (with discharge it is best to use a pantiliner for protection!), and cramps, there’s no way to know for sure when your first period will show-up. On average girls get their first periods between the ages of 9-16 years old (but it can be earlier or later), if you’re at an age when you’re expecting your first period then it’s good to be prepared by having a kit containing supplies for when your first period starts, and to carry with you in case your first period starts when you’re away from home.

This is a rough guide on what you might want to include in your period kit...


  1. Get a bag.
    You need something to carry your kit around in, so make-up bags are perfect as they have a zipper and are small enough to fit in your bag but big enough for your supplies. Pick any bag you like, it can be super discreet to look just like any other make-up bag or if you’re brave it can have ‘PERIOD KIT’ sprawled in big letters on the side, it’s up to you.
  2. Pantyliners or Sanitary Pads.
    Put liners and pads in your period kit. As your first period is likely to be light, you may only need liners; but it’s a good idea to have pads in a couple of different absorbencies too.

    If you want to use cloth pads for your first period, or at least give them a go, take the same numbers of pads as you would disposable pads. At first you may want to try visiting communities like Etsy.com to find cheaper brands, this allows you to try different styles and save money.

    Change pads every 4-6 hours so put in the kit enough pads to last the day, as a guide take 2-3 liners and 2-3 pads.
  3. Tampons.
    It’s best not to carry tampons in your kit as your first period is likely to be too light for tampons, also how heavily you bleed changes so until you know the pattern you won’t know what absorbency to use safely.

    If you do use tampons remember you should change every 4-6 hours and should alternate with pads so carry 1-2 light absorbency tampons, 1-2 regular absorbency tampons and 2 regular pads.
  4. Menstrual Cups or Soft-cups.
    Cups are internal like tampons but safe to use for menarche and with any flow. Unlike tampons cups can be worn for 12 hours so no need for spares and they don’t leak like other options, also cups can be worn before menstruation so in time there’d be no need for a period kit. Ladycup or MeLuna may be best for younger women, cups are more hands-on so not for everyone.

    Softcups are similar to menstrual cups so have similar benefits in safety and convenience, however they can be trickier to use. Soft-cups come either in disposable versions or reusable versions for one cycle, as these can be worn for 12 hours you only need one but it’s a good idea to take pads too when using Softcups.
  5. Spare Change.
    Just in case you didn't bring enough supplies with you, most public bathrooms have sanitary product vending machines or you can pop into a local store to pick up supplies.
  6. Spare Underwear.
    Accidents happen, a spare pair of underwear in your period kit is a really good idea when you first start your periods, you just need some simple and comfortable clean underwear on hand but perhaps avoid white underwear in your period kit!

    Just pop the old underwear into a bag and then when you get home rinse them in cold water and soak with hydrogen peroxide before washing to avoid staining.
  7. Bags for used items.
    Disposable pantyliners, pads, tampons, and soft-cups are not flushable - most public bathrooms have bins by the side of the toilet for used sanitary products, but sometimes there is no bin or if you’re at a friends house you may not feel comfortable using their bin for used sanitary products. Thus disposable bags are a good idea, in the sanitary product isle you’ll usually be able to find scented bags for this purpose such as Pop-ins or Sensibles. If you use reusable sanitary products like cloth pads then a small zip-lock bag or wet bag is best to carry used items.
  8. Painkillers.
    Cramps are preventable, however until you learn how to cope with cramps carry non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen, you'll only need 2-4.

    You can also use clary sage oil rubbed into your lower abdomen, and raspberry leaf tea works well so maybe pop some tea bags in your kit for when you're away from home. Small heat packs are also great to carry with you for menstrual cramps, along with a sheet with instructions on what acupressure points to stimulate to ease cramps too.
  9. Body Spray.
    Periods are not dirty, but menstrual flow does have a scent and it can smell bad depending on what sanitary products you use and how often you change - until better used to managing your periods a good spirits of body spray after using the bathroom may make you feel more secure in yourself, remember don't use on genitals.
  10. Wipes and Tissues.
    Do not use baby wipes, hand wipes or even so-called feminine wipes on your genitals as this can cause irritation and infection, but wipes like these are useful to have in your period kit in case you leak as blood can get on your hands.

    Tissues are also good to have on hand for cleaning up after leaks, or just in case there's no toilet paper in the bathroom.
  11. Calendar and Notepad.
    Your first period is a big deal, even if you don’t celebrate it you might still want to note down the date in a calendar and let your guardian know...some girls feel more comfortable doing this via a note than face-to-face. Periods come on average every 28 days, although this differs for everyone and for the first few years your periods can be irregular, therefore it’s a good idea to note on a calendar when you do get your periods so you have a better idea of when the next one may be due. You can also get apps to track your period on your phone if you prefer to save room in your bag.
  12. Something Nice.
    Some girls' parents get them special gifts to celebrate menarche or books all about their periods, you might want to talk to your parents about what you might like or if you’d like a book to help you understand your menstrual cycles better.

    You may want to celebrate yourself with something nice to mark the big day, or maybe you’re not looking forward to your first period and a bar of chocolate may just make it a little more bearable - either way your period kit is about helping you and it doesn't have to be all about function.


  • If you're ever at school when you get your period, and find that you don't have the proper things with you, you can always ask a friend or teacher that you trust. Most school clinics will have extra supplies if you're out. Never be embarrassed that's what they're there for.
  • Remember that periods aren’t shameful or embarrassing, by all means keep it private but don’t think it’s the end of the world if someone notices your period kit, it just shows you’re mature enough to be prepared so just say “so what?” and carry on as normal.
  • Periods are as good or as bad as you make them, there's nothing you cannot do during your periods, anything negative is preventable and there are many positives - don't let other girls/women's attitudes about their periods effect how you feel about yours.
  • If your period starts when you don’t have your kit ask a friend or another woman for a pad, go to the shop or vending machine, or use folded toilet paper in your underwear.
  • Get a good book about periods to help you prepare, a very good book is 'Cycle Savvy' by Toni Weschler
  • Bring extra pants with you.
  • Look at period kits on sale elsewhere, for example see kits from BePreparedPeriod.com, DotGirlProducts.com, Petite Amie Cycle Kits, Jst4u - My First Period Starter Kit, Ready Girls kit for first periods, and starter kits from the likes of Lunapads.
  • If you're at school and you don't have your kit just ask the school nurse. Most likely it will be a girl and she has a period too. If it's a male he won't judge so don't be nervous.
  • Don't flush pads down the toilet. You've probably heard this a million times, but some girls thinks just because public toilets will flush just about anything, they can put pads in them. Don't do it!
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help if you get your period and you are unprepared. A school nurse, teacher or even a friend might have extra supplies. It's nothing to be embarrassed about!
  • If you don't want anyone to see your kit, take out a pad/tampon in your locker/bag and hide it in your pocket or bra on the way to the bathroom.


  • If your friends normally rummage through your bag then now's the time to set some boundaries so they don’t go through your stuff and find your period kit in future.
  • Keep the bulk of your supplies at home in your room or if well-ventilated keep in your bathroom cabinet, and just carry necessities in your period kit when away from home.
  • Remember that tampons aren't a good idea to begin with, at least not for your first six cycles, ideally it's best to stick to pads or use safer options like menstrual cups.