Make a Period Kit
Periods are a way of showing that you are growing up. They can sometimes pop up in an unexpected moment so make sure you're always prepared with a period kit.
- Get a small bag or purse. You need something to hold your kit! But make sure it is big enough to hold pads an, if you use them, tampons.
- Get some sanitary products. Usually your first period is very light and just spotting, so pantyliners are perfect. For a heavier flow, you'll want pads or tampons. Alternatives are menstrual/soft cups or reusable, cloth pads. You'll need about 3 liners and 3 pads or tampons to last you through a work or school day. Be sure to change every 4-6 hours.
- Add pain medication. There's a high possibility you'll get period cramps, which aren't pleasant. Ibuprofen works well to reduce the pain; if you're really hurting badly, you can take up to four at a time as long as you don't exceed the daily limit listed on the label.
- Add a small calendar and pen. If you're unsure of when exactly your period is, write down the date every month until you find your pattern.
- Include underwear. Extra underwear can be helpful, especially if you stain your current pair of undies. In this case, you'll want a Ziploc bag to hold your stained underwear.
- If you have space in your bag, you can add in an extra pair of shorts as well in case your period is exceptionally heavy and your pad/tampon leaks. (If this is a regular problem, consider wearing both a pad and a tampon, changing your product to something that doesn't leak, or taking birth control for lighter periods.)
- Get some hand sanitizer. It always helps when the bathroom's out of soap!
- It can help to include some feminine wipes. Make sure that they are biodegradable and not scented.
- Add in some extra undies and a plastic baggy to hold soiled underwear. A plastic baggy can also be useful for if there is not a place to dispose of a used tampon or pad (on a hike, at the beach, etc.)
- Also put in a dollars worth of quarters, in case you forget to refill your kit and need to get some from a machine.
- Put in some chocolate, especially dark chocolate--make sure it's in a Ziploc bag as well. The chemicals in chocolate can help with your cramps and satisfy that craving you're probably having.
- Finished!
- If you can, get one of those heat packs that you squeeze and it warms up. They are disposable and they relax your cramps quickly!
- Don't let the chocolate melt on your spare shorts!
- If you're in school, make sure you and your friends have extra kits in your lockers just in case one person forgets. You will always have a friend to help you out.
- If you don't have any pads or tampons, use some toilet paper until you are able to get some.
- Don't freak out if it bleeds through. Use your jacket or ask a friend if you can borrow it until you can get to a bathroom and change.
- Keep a kit in every bag you have, so you don’t have to keep replacing them.
- If you don't want anyone to see what's in your period kit, you can put colourful wash tape over it.
- If your embarrassed when you are at school or something just hide your pad or tampon and hide it in your shoe or up your sleeve and even in your pocket if you have one.
- Make sure it's not clear.
- Make sure it's not too obvious if you're insecure.
Things You'll Need
- Small bag or purse
- 2-3 pads
- 1-2 tampons
- Panty liners
- Pain medication
- Small calendar
- A pen
- Underwear
- Pants, shorts, skirt, or any other comfortable extra clothing
- Hand sanitizer
- Wipes
- Chocolate
Related Articles
- Make a Randomness Kit
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- Put Together a First Period Kit
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- Make a Period Kit for School