Put a Bracelet on by Yourself
When you're home alone, it can be difficult to put a bracelet on your wrist. Every time you think that you're about to close the clasp, the bracelet slips off, and you're back at square one. But you don't have to put up with that kind of frustration anymore -- with the right tools or household items, putting on your bracelet all by yourself can be a piece of cake.
Using Tape
- Set the bracelet on your wrist. It usually helps to rest your hand, palm facing down, against a table or counter to steady it, so you don’t have to worry about the bracelet falling. When you place the bracelet on your wrist, leave the end without the clasp on top and pull the other end underneath to wrap it around your wrist.
- When you’re placing the bracelet on your hand, avoid setting it down so the end is right in the middle of your wrist because it’s more likely to fall off in that position. Set it down so the end of the bracelet is near the end of your wrist, closest to the other hand.
- Place a piece of tape over the bracelet. Make sure to use a large enough piece of tape to firmly secure the jewelry to your wrist. It’s best to place the tape just behind the end of the bracelet, so that part is especially secure.
- You can use any type of tape that you have at home, but try to find an option that won’t leave any residue behind on your bracelet or tear at your skin when you peel it off. Basic invisible tape, such as Scotch Tape, actually works best for this purpose.
- Secure the clasp with your free hand. With the tape holding the bracelet in place against your wrist, you can easily wrap the bracelet around your wrist and close the clasp with your opposite hand. Once the bracelet is secure, simply pull off the tape and discard.
- If you’re having any trouble closing the clasp, make sure to keep the hand that you’re putting the jewelry on braced against the table or counter so it remains steady.
Using a Paper Clip
- Bend a paper clip to open it. Use your fingers to gently pry it apart. You can either completely unbend it so only one “hook” remains, or bend it into an “S” shape. The “S” shape is often easier to hold because you can hook one end over your finger, so it stays in place.
- It’s important to choose a paper clip that’s large enough. When you unbend it, it should be long enough that you can create at least one hook that reaches your wrist while you’re holding it between your fingers or hooking it over your thumb.
- If you don’t have a paper clip of the right size at home, you can use 16-gauge wire, such as picture hanging wire, that you can bend into a hook or “S” shape.
- Hook the paper clip through the end of the bracelet. You want to slip the clip through the ring loop at the end of the bracelet without the clasp. That will allow you to hold that end in place as you grasp the clasp with the other hand.
- Take care when you’re hooking the paper clip through your bracelet so you don’t scratch the jewelry.
- Close the clasp with your free hand. With the bracelet hooked on the clip, your reach is extended so it’s easier to wrap the jewelry around your wrist with your other hand and secure the clasp. Remember to unhook the paperclip from the bracelet’s ring loop before you head out to the door, though.
- Don’t toss out the paperclip when you’re done -- keep it in your jewelry box for the next time you need to put on a bracelet without assistance.
Using a Specialty Tool
- Purchase a bracelet fastening tool. The best known specialty tool is the Bracelet Buddy, but there are a few brands on the market, which typically consist of a plastic handle and an alligator clip at the other end. While it’s especially helpful for people with arthritis or fine motor disabilities, it can make putting on a bracelet easier for anyone who’s had difficulty doing it alone.
- You can purchase bracelet fastening tools on a variety of websites, including Amazon.
- Attach the tool's clip to the end of bracelet. It helps to lay the bracelet flat on a table or counter to ensure that there are no tangles or kinks in the chain. Take the end of the bracelet without the clasp, and gently close the tool’s clip over it. Make sure that the clip is firmly closed over the end, so it won’t slip loose when you attempt to fasten the bracelet.
- The clip on the tool usually has a protective coating to keep it from damaging the bracelet, but take care when attaching it to make sure that you don’t scratch the jewelry.
- Hold the tool and fasten bracelet. You should grasp the tool's handle against the palm of your hand, so the clip with the bracelet attached is facing toward you. Use your free hand to wrap the bracelet around your wrist, and carefully open the clasp to secure it to the other end. It’s a good idea to give the bracelet a gentle tug to ensure that the clasp is completely closed.
- While these specialty tools are usually marketed specifically for bracelets, you can also use them to close wristwatches by yourself.
- When you’re dealing with a particularly heavy bracelet, using a specialty tool or paper clip usually works better than the tape.
- Even with a tool, tape, or paperclip to help, it can sometimes be difficult to get a bracelet’s clasp open. Whatever method you use to put on your jewelry by yourself, patience is key.
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://www.womansday.com/style/fashion/advice/a53501/how-to-put-on-bracelets/
- http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/02/01/scotch-tape-bracelet_n_9132628.html
- http://www.today.com/style/how-put-bracelet-yourself-no-existential-meltdown-required-t84766
- ↑ http://www.heirlume.co/blogs/gift-guide/12826781-easy-way-to-put-on-a-tricky-bracelet
- ↑ http://www.braceletbuddy.com/pages/faq.html