Make a Quick Sequin Necklace

Throwing a glitzy but casual party? Or need something to keep the kids occupied? Problem solved -- sequin necklaces to the rescue. You can set out plates with various color combinations of sequins, provide lots of Make Glitter Tape, and let the crafting begin!


Easy Tape Method

  1. Spread out a piece of newspaper on a flat surface. This project is a little bit messy sometimes, so it's best to be prepared. Since the mess is just sequins, though, you can be a little bit more conservative in your setup. If you are in quite a hurry, you can just skip this step altogether.
  2. Cut a piece of tape to the size you want your necklace to be. If you want a sparkling choker, make it the length of the circumference of your neck. If you want it to be a bit longer, or even long enough to loop around your neck more than once, cut a larger piece of tape.
  3. Pour the sequins out onto a plate, and place the plate in the center of the newspaper.
  4. Put the sticky side of the tape on the sequins so that they stick to the tape. Repeat until the tape is fully covered, then brush off the loose sequins. If this leaves the tape rather bare, you may wish to try again, but be aware that the second time you place the tape in the sequins, it will be much less sticky. You will probably be better off if you simply brush off all the sequins from the tape, and cut yourself a new strip.
  5. Apply a new piece of tape over the sequins to hold them in place, then wrap more tape around it so it won't fall apart. Use yet another piece of tape to fasten it and wear your new sequin jewelry!

On a Thread

  1. Use a needle and thread or a thin piece of string to string the sequins together. Secure one end of the thread. Tie it around something or tape it down. Use a needle to string the thread through the sequins.
  2. Tie a knot or make a decorative loop of the thread to hold the sequin in place, then put the thread back through the sequin.
  3. Try beads. If you have some small craft beads that match the sequins, put them in the middle of the sequins.
  4. Stitch up through both the sequin and the bead, then over the edge of the bead and down through just the sequin.
  5. Tie a knot behind the sequin, if you wish. It will help keep the sequin in place.
  6. Put the sequins at even intervals along the front of the necklace. They can be close together or they can "float" around your neck on a slender thread.

On a Ribbon

  1. Stitch or glue sequins at intervals along a ribbon.
  2. Add beads in the center of the sequins if you're stitching the sequins on.
  3. Try layering sequins for an effect a bit like scales. Stitch or glue the bottom layer first, then add layers overlapping above them. Use any pattern of colors you want.
  4. Finished.


  • The tape is best for a very quick fix. Don't expect this necklace to last very long.
  • Just for creativity, you could also purchase double sided tape to make extra glamorous accessories!
  • If you're using a bead or knot to hold sequins in place, make sure it is wider than the hole so that it doesn't pop off.
  • You can also make shorter pieces to make bracelets and headbands.


  • While this is a fun project for the kids, don't leave extremely small children alone with the sequins, since they pose a choking hazard.

Things You'll Need

  • Sequins
  • Plate

If you choose A Tape Necklace:

  • Tape

If you choose A Thread Necklace:

  • Thread
  • A needle
  • Beads (optional)

If you choose A Ribbon Necklace:

  • Ribbon
  • Thread
  • A needle
  • Beads (optional)

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