Quick Scope on Call of Duty 4

This how-to tells you how to accurately 'quick scope' in Call of Duty 4.


Drag shot

The first is the most common as it is the easiest to perform, it is called the drag shot (no this is not no scoping).

  1. Basically you want to aim in to the player and quickly drag your cross hairs across him and shoot when the cross hairs are on them.
  2. Try not to hold your breath, remember, holding your breath won't let you move as well as not holding your breath.

Normal quick scope

This one is only usually used by the most skilled of players and requires you to have great aim.

  1. Aim in on the target and very quickly shoot before releasing the aim.
    • This should take no longer than half a second and is very tricky.

Jump Shot

This shot is simple in practice but very difficult to perform in game.

  1. The idea is to be hidden behind an object before jumping up, aiming and hitting your target.
    • This one is hard and takes some practice.

180 and 360 jump shots

These are both very hard and only recommended for trying after you have mastered the other shots.

  1. Jump of a desired object and turn in the air before aiming and shooting. # For this it is suggested having a high sensitivity as then you can turn fast in the air, aim and shoot.
    • Another tip is that when you shoot you want to be past them on your turn and the bullet will hit as there is a slight lag in the game, so basically just after your cross hairs meet them shoot.

No Scope

  1. It is most effective to no scope or "NOS" when using steady aim. No Scoping is not very effective due to the random area where the bullet goes.

Basic Quick Scope

A quick scope utilizes a sniper rifle (usually the intervention) to kill someone at close to mid range.

  1. The typical way to kill someone with a sniper rifle is to look down the scope, and wait for targets to enter your cross hairs. Quick scoping, on the other hand, does not require the need to look down the scoop.
    • The snipers will typically run around, with the sniper in hand, an attempt to kill you without looking down the scope.
  2. Quickly tap the button to look down the scope, and fire the trigger simultaneously. By looking down the scope for a split second, the gun becomes very accurate. By firing instantaneously, the bullet will be shot in the direction that it was pointed at, utilizing the full power of the sniper rifle. These are typically one-shot kills, which can be huge advantage in games such as search and destroy.
  3. Choose the best gun. The best class to use is a sniper rifle with either the Intervention or the Barrett 50 cal. The most used gun is the Intervention, though it is very possible to do with the Barrett 50 cal.
    • Make sure you have FMJ on it. It is necessary for you to get a one-shot kill, because you will likely be killed if you do not kill the other person in one shot. For this example, let's assume that you are going to be using the intervention with FMJ. Your secondary weapon can be whatever you choose. Typically you would use a handgun such as the M9.
  4. Decide what perks you will use. With quick scoping, there are a few essential perks that you need to have enabled.
    • The most important perk of all is sleight-of-hand. This will be in the first lot of the perks; it is essential for you to look down the barrel very quickly.
    • The second perk is entirely up to you, but one that is typically used is stopping power. Stopping power in combination with FMJ ensures a one-shot kill 80% of the time.
    • The third perk that you should consider using its steady aim. This can help hip-fire shooting, which may help your quick scoping efforts. Many people do not like to use this, but some do. If not, ninja is also a very good perk.
  5. Decide what equipment you will use.
    • Most snipers who quick scope uses a throwing knife as their equipment. If they miss the first time with their intervention, the throwing knife can save your life very quickly. It is thrown almost instantaneously, and always a one-hit kill.
  6. Choose the sensitivity you should use? What comes to your character sensitivity, it must be a balance between control and speed.
    • You want it fast enough for you have quick reactions toward people.
    • low enough to where you can control it in a matter that is very accurate.
    • When not quick scoping, some keep their sensitivity set on insane, but when quick scoping it is usually set it one notch higher than the "high" setting. Some find this a great balance between the two problems, and perfect for quick scoping.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwJ9r_MJ-T8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk49clE9wuQ

These two videos should help you get started too.


  • Also if you keep moving aim and shoot you have less chance of getting shot.
  • I would suggest only using the M40A3 as it is by far the most accurate and the cross hairs will not move as much.
  • Normal Scope
  • Scopes -
  • You can also practice with inanimate objects, such as barrels or crates.
  • The normal scope is a lot more accurate and also can be used with any connection, bear in mind though that this is quick scoping so don't spend ages on your target.
  • To get a collateral (one shot more than one kill) you firstly want to be using the ACOG scope as it gives you a higher damage multiplier and also you need to be constantly looking for the opportunity. By this i mean if you see 2 people running across each other you want to wait before they cross and then shoot. You may get killed in the process but if you hit it, it is worth the wait.
  • Sniper -
  • Firstly the ACOG can aim in a lot faster than the normal scope. But sometimes although you think you may have hit them you miss. This is due to your internet connection and I would only suggest using an ACOG scope if you have a VERY good connection.
  • ACOG


  • You will die a lot.
  • Have fun and see you in the game!
  • Remember to be patient. You won't learn to quick scope in a day. Practice for at least a week.
  • This is hard and not for the lighthearted.
  • Do not give up keep with it and watch the YouTube video to keep you going.

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