Rebuild a Hydraulic Cylinder

The simplest and the most advisable method to repair a leaking hydraulic system is to rebuild the hydraulic cylinder. Although it is a simple process, rebuilding hydraulic cylinders requires attention to details. Observing and pinpointing the area of damage is essential before moving on with the rebuilding operation. All you need is basic knowledge of working with tools in order to carry out this process.


  1. Get adequate working space. Take out the cylinder from its machine and place it in an open area. With the help of a screw-driver, unscrew the shaft-side cover of your cylinder and then remove the bolts. Take out the piston. You can pull up the input valve in order to decrease pressure on the piston pump.
  2. Rectify the problem. Visually inspect your hydraulic cylinder and find out the cause of damage. It could be that the shaft of your cylinder has ruptured or the seals have been damaged. Make sure that you thoroughly check each and every part of the cylinder to know the exact reason for the malfunctioning of your cylinder.
  3. Take help of the local hydraulic cylinder repair service provider in order to repair the damaged part or get it replaced with a new one. The ruptured or scratched shaft can be honed by a professional. In case the shaft is broken, you can replace it with a new one. Similarly, replace the damaged seals with new one before reattaching them in the cylinder.
  4. Remember the location of each seal before removal and at the time of reattachment. You can use old, damaged seals for reference. Buy a seal kit that will provide you with new seals as well as O-rings. Take help of the instruction manual in order to reattach the seals perfectly.
  5. Precisely handle of all the parts. At first, you need to check that all the seals are firmly attached to their proper places and are oiled well. Then clean the piston and put it back in the cylinder. Then, tighten the input valves so as to build the air pressure back. Lastly, put the cover of the cylinder back on and tighten the screws.


  • First timers are advised to rebuild a hydraulic cylinder under the guidance of an experienced professional in order to avoid any glitches.


  • Do not push the piston back in the cylinder before oiling the new seals (it might lead to heavy friction and cause damage to the piston).

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Hydraulic fluid/ oil
  • Seal kit

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