Refill an HP Ink Cartridge

Have you done "ink refill" by yourself? Sometimes, it can be easy or ....not. Well, If you did, you must be used "sharp needle" or "drill" in order to make a hole and insert the ink after tearing off the sticker. If you are professional enough, you may not have a hard time to refill, but if not? You may decide not to do it later, because of ink mess, time consuming, poor printing quality, etc.. This article helps you to refill your inkjet cartridge more easily than you think.


  1. Attach your cartridge to the cartridge holder.
  2. Make sure your cartridge fits into the cartridge holder.
  3. Attach cartridge grip to stabilize your cartridge.
  4. Load the ink using the syringe.
  5. Insert the ink-loaded syringe into the bottom of the cartridge holder.
  6. Press the piston slowly. It may take about ten seconds.
  7. Check out the cartridge nozzle by dabbing it with a soft tissue or paper towel.


  • If you have an HP, Canon, or Samsung inkjet printer whose cartridge nozzle is on cartridge, most of the cartridge will work with this method within 2 minutes.

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