Remove Wallpaper with the DIF Method
Removing wallpaper can be a long, difficult, and tedious task. One product available to help is called DIF, which helps loosen the adhesive on the wall to allow you to pull it off. There are other products which do the same thing. Look for "concentrate" versions, not the spray bottle types.
- Perforate the wall. It is important that you do not "score" the wall, as this will damage the wall and cause the paper to come off in small strips. Specialized tools are available at your local hardware store. Look for tools which have spur-like wheels on them. These tools will perforate the wall with thousands of little dots, so that the DIF can soak in. Make sure you do a thorough job of perforating the wall. You'll notice that areas with less perforation are harder to remove
- Spray DIF on the wall - LIBERALLY! It is recommended that you do not simply spray the whole wall down, as you'll waste the solution. The solution will dry before you get to it. Instead, spray the area you're going to be working with.
- Allow the solution to soak in for about 15 minutes. If you attempt to remove the paper before it is given a chance to work, you'll be wasting your time fighting with the wallpaper.
- Immediately before you begin scraping, spray the area again, this will allow the paper & glue to remain moist.
- Scrape the wallpaper off the wall. You can use a regular scraper, a putty knife, pocket knife, or a specialized tool for this. Home Depot sells a special wallpaper scraping tool that helps prevent gouging the wall. I highly recommend it.
- You must make sure that you get not only the wallpaper itself but also the backing paper as well.
- Once you have the paper off, repeat the entire process again to remove as much glue as possible. This will be quick - just spray the DIF and scrape again.
- Be careful to not scrape the drywall when removing the wallpaper. This will require repair.
- You may not need to score the paper at all depending on the type of paper you are dealing with. Test a small area with DIF before you start perforating the paper.
- If the smell of DIF is too offensive you can mix fabric softener and water in a spray bottle and apply as you would DIF. If works just as well and smells much better.
- The more you perforate the paper the more little pieces you will be scraping off. Don't go overboard with the scoring.
- Do not paint the wall without proper prep work. There is undoubtedly going to be some wallpaper glue left behind. If you paint over the glue, the paint will eventually crack and peel. Prep the wall by first sealing it with Gardz (available at your local Duron). Follow the directions on the Gardz can for finishing the prep before painting.
- Whenever scraping or sanding old walls, there is a danger of raising paint dust that may contain lead. Use a lead test kit and do not take chances of raising lead dust around children.
- Chemicals in DIF will burn skin and eyes. Wear gloves and safety glasses