Respond to a Job Listing on Craigslist

With unemployment levels at record highs, people are looking for jobs in every possible place, especially online. Craigslist is a popular place for employers to place help wanted ads because they are usually free to post. Craigslist sites in every city and state include a job board, which separates ads by industry. Job seekers can scroll through the recent job postings in any field they choose, and respond to those they are interested in. Respond to a job listing on craigslist with a cover letter, resume and any additional information that is requested.


  1. Find the right job market. Go to and select a city or a state from the available listings on the right side of the screen. That will bring you to the page that is specific to the job market you are searching.
  2. Review the list of professional disciplines under the Jobs heading. Find the field that you are interested in, and click on it to view a list of job opportunities available in that area. The listings will load onto your screen, filtered by date. The most recent jobs are on top, and you can browse the headlines. You can also see the specific part of town in which the job is located by looking at the city or neighborhood that appears in parentheses next to the job title.
  3. Read the job listing carefully. Employers who post on craigslist report getting a large volume of responses. Be sure you are qualified and interested in the job before you spend the time responding to it.
  4. Find the email address that you will need to respond to. Check the upper left hand corner of the post. You will see a regular email address or an anonymous craigslist email address. Email addresses are often highlighted in blue.
    • Copy the email address with your computer by highlighting it and pressing the right button on your mouse. Paste it into the email application you are using to send your email. You can also write the email address down if you plan to use it later.
  5. Put the job title in the email subject line. You will want the employer to know what your email is regarding. For example, use a subject line such as "Receptionist position" or "Truck driver job."
  6. Use the body of the email as your cover letter. Write your email as you would a cover letter. Stand out to employers by mentioning you saw the ad on craigslist, and giving a brief and interesting overview of your experience and accomplishments.
  7. Attach your resume. Your email application should have a button that says Attach Files, or something similar.
    • Click on the Attach button, browse the documents you have saved on your computer, and double-click the resume so it is highlighted. Your email will capture that file, and attach it.
  8. Review the job posting and your email. Make sure that your cover letter is free from errors and answers any questions that were asked in the job posting. Check the post again to make sure there is not any additional information required, such as writing samples, references or salary requirement.
  9. Send the email. Click the send button on your email application.
  10. Follow any links that are provided. Some employers on craigslist will require that you fill out an application on their website. If they provide a link, click on the link and follow the application instructions.
  11. Follow any other instructions listed in the ad. Some employers will ask you to respond by calling them, showing up to fill out an application or faxing a resume.


  • Craigslist postings are often anonymous, so you cannot be sure who is on the other side of that employment ad. If you are asked for any money, or to provide private information such as your social security number, you should reconsider applying for the job as it might be a scam.

Things You'll Need

  • Email address
  • Resume

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