Revive a Dying Poinsettia

After Christmas is over, people throw out their poinsettias even though the plates are just fine and would look great next year. Don't do it! Keep your poinsettia around to enjoy for the next holiday season.


  1. Make sure it's in a big enough pot so the roots have enough room.
  2. Pick off the dead leaves. Don't worry if it doesn't have many leaves left. They will grow back, but until then it will be just fine.
  3. Put the plant in a well-lit place that's warm.
  4. Make sure that your poinsettia is well hydrated at ALL times. If you can poke your finger into one of the drainage holes on the bottom and not feel moisture, water it with about 3/4 of a cup of water (they like mist, for the record). Also with your finger or a rod of some sort pull out one pistol or stamen from each bract; this increases color in your plant
    • This will end up making your plant look like a stick for a while, due to the pulling of the dead leaves, but this is perfectly natural. Then you can choose to put it in a dark place for 24 hours, followed by 24 hours of light (this is optional, it just adds color to the Bracts and helps with flower production - increasing bracts (colored leafs).
  5. After the last frost, put it outside. Not in direct light at first, however. Ease it in.
    • If you live anywhere north of 40° N latitude (think Denver), only keep it out from around July 20 - Aug 18th.
  6. Bring it in when winter comes and the leaves should have grown back. By now the leaves should've changed color, too.


  • Remember to enjoy your Poinsettia. It's in the Euphorbia Genus so it's a natural perennial.
  • They may look like potted sticks for a while.
  • If the stem turns a darker green and turns soft, its dead and you should cut it off.
  • Some people say you have to put the plant in total darkness if you want the leaves to change color, but that's not always the case.


  • Some say it's poisonous; others not. It just irritates the skin.

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