Ride a Ripstick

Ripsticks are an extremely fun and manipulative kind of skateboard. They may seem hard at first but is easy when you master them. Learn how to ride it and you will have hours of fun on it.


  1. Find which way you are more comfortable with. Some people like having their left foot at front and others have their right foot at front. You can test which way you like by trying both ways while holding on to the wall.
  2. Push off with the back foot - Make sure your feet are in the middle of the ripstick, if they are to far forward or back you can easily lose balance.
  3. Don't wiggle yet. Try to maintain your balance while it's moving. If you are about to fall, quickly step off.
  4. Once you feel balanced, you should slowly start wiggling your back foot.
  5. If you are unsure the safety of pushing off with your back foot whilst the board is held upright, lay the board tilted away from you, plant both feet correctly whilst its still lays on the ground, twist the front pad upright then propel. This will help you learn how to propel and balance the board before you try pushing off. For some this is easier, varies from person to person.
  6. Lean the front foot pad left or right to turn. twist your back foot lightly not much at all.
  7. To do a tight turn, twist the front right or left and twist the back the opposite direction.
  8. Have fun and be safe! Always wear a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.


  • Don't give up. It may take a while to even successfully balance on the ripstick without help.
  • Start learning on a surface that is hard, smooth, and slightly downhill.
  • Don't ride too steep of hills when you don't know how to slow down.
  • Never try to ride backwards, it's not designed to do so.
  • Ask someone you know to help you learn.
  • Don't try to ride on busy roads.
  • Try to lean on a surface to keep yourself balanced. It helps until you can move without it.
  • Wear shoes (skateboard shoes recommended). If you don't, it may hurt your feet.
  • Another way to prevent an injury in this situation is to do a moderately sharp 180 degree turn so that you are now riding up the slope. This should quickly slow you down and allow you to simply step off your board, keeping you safe and your board in good condition.
  • If you have snowboarded, surfed, or skateboarded before, you will find this easier than if you haven't.
  • Fall. You have to fall to learn something so don't be afraid to fall. Remember to wear protective gear if you are at that stage.
  • If you are riding down a steep hill for whatever reason and cannot stop, keep going to the hill ends unless a dangerous path is ahead.
  • If this is the case, try a manual like move where the back of your board touches the ground if you know how. If you know not how to do this, find the softest spot to jump off, possibly grass.
  • Make sure to wear protective gear such as a helmet or pads. I also recommend adult supervision. Lastly enjoy the Ripstick cause it's pretty cool when you know how to ride it.
  • Keep trying and you will get the hang of it!


  • Don't try tricks if you haven't mastered normal riding first.
  • Make sure your feet are planted correctly while riding. If they aren't, stop and try again.
  • Don't ride on wet, very dusty or gravelly ground. The board might slip out from under you and you could fall down real hard.
  • When you first ripstick, get someone to help you get on, you may fall off.
  • Steep hills can be dangerous.
  • When carving, don't use your back foot!
  • Wear protective gear at all times.

Things You'll Need

  • A ripstick
  • A helmet
  • Knee pads
  • Elbow Pads (optional, but recommended)

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