Run Car Vin Numbers

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of a car is equivalent to the birth certificate for that car. It reveals information about the manufacturer, model, year and location of manufacture, engine and standard features. This number is tracked in all major service events and title changes, so having the number and access to those records allows a thorough evaluation of the history and present state of the car. This is valuable information to have if you are thinking of buying the car. Use these tips to learn how to run car VIN numbers.


  1. Obtain the VIN number for the car. The VIN number will consist of a 17-digit alpha-numeric code engraved on a badge on the upper left side of the dash. It will be visible from either inside the car or from outside the car through the windshield. The VIN can also be found on the driver's side doorjamb sticker.
    • Determine the World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI). This consists of the first 3 characters of the VIN. Character 1 denotes the manufacturer. Character 2 denotes the country of manufacture. Character 3 denotes the division of the company that manufactured the car.
    • Identify the Vehicle Descriptor Section (VDS). The VDS consists of characters 4 through 9 of the VIN. It defines the model, body type, restraint system, transmission type, and engine type of the car. Character 9 is a "check" digit generated using a formula developed by the Department of Transportation to determine invalid VIN numbers.
    • Determine the Vehicle Identifier Section (VIS). This consists of characters 10 through 17 of the VIN. Character 10 indicates the model year. Character 11 indicates the plant of manufacture. Characters 12 through 17 give the production sequence number. This is the number assigned to the car on the assembly line.
  2. Obtain the code definitions. Access the definitions for these codes from the National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration (NHTSA). Each manufacturer defines the meanings of the characters in the VIN number and submits this definition to the NHTSA for approval.
  3. Inspect the car visually. Make sure that it substantially is the vehicle type determined by the World Manufacturer Identifier and the Vehicle Descriptor Section.
  4. Obtain the history of the vehicle. Provide the VIN to 1 of several car history retrieval services available on the Internet. For a fee, which will vary from provider to provider, you can get a detailed report about the history of the vehicle.
    • Review VIN report details. The report may include information about multiple owners, major accidents, mileage rollback, frame damage, flood damage, branded a lemon, last reported mileage, recall information and warranty information.


  • Find the vehicle history provider that bests suits your needs. Each company's reports will vary in the level of detail provided and the promised accuracy. The fee that each service charges will vary, generally in relation to the level of detail provided and the promised accuracy of the report.


  • The services that provide the history of the vehicle are private companies. They are not operated by the government and their reports are not certified as accurate by the government.

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