Run for Political Office
So you want to run for office--"get into the world of politics?" Many qualified candidates fail to reach their goals because they make the same mistakes. Major problems can be solved by drawing up a plan to follow during the campaign, in effect, a "road map to victory". A campaign plan allows you to know where the pitfalls and strengths lie. It can even give a healthy estimate on funds needed to achieve victory and where to find it. These are some tips and guides to help candidates run a more effective campaign. Check into how to get started in local politics there are several options and steps.
- Make sure you really want to run for political office and that your family is willing. If you have younger kids, make sure they understand that mom or dad may be a little more busy in the near future.
- Figure out your budget. Talk to officials within your political party to see to what extent (if at all) the local or national party will provide financial assistance. Determine what you'll be able to contribute out of your own pocket.
- Find a capable core of individuals to build your campaign around. This will likely consist of people like a chief of staff, a fundraising director, a public relations director, and the such.
- The exact scope and makeup of your staff will depend on many factors, including your hiring budget and the level of office you're running for.
- Research issues in the district you're running in and brainstorm with your core..
- Research your opponent(s).
- Develop your message, your logo and a simple memorable campaign slogan.
- Get access to your party's database. In addition, any other consumer demographics you can find or buy. Database, database, database. Everything always goes back to the database.
- Develop a Succeed at Community Organization Fundraising plan about mailings, speaking, etc.
- Send out requests, telephone and meet with major party contributors for initial contributions to fuel the beginning campaign.
- Generate an initial campaign literature print piece with your background and picture.
- Order stacks of donor envelopes with a volunteer form printed right on them.
- Have your Web site set up and ready with ability to collect money and gather voter data before you formally announce.
- Make your announcement at an event with the maximum press coverage possible.
- Get petitions signed and delivered on time.
- Develop additional graphics, posters, print materials, etc.
- Investigate multi-media video, TV, Web, etc.
- Coordinate letter writing campaigns to the editors.
- Prepare for debates and interviews (practice seriously).
- Organize and motivate volunteers: Phone banking addressing envelopes, house parties, door-to-door etc. Most campaigns are won on the ground.
- Constantly watch your physical image. Carry yourself with confidence. Pay attention to your wardrobe and grooming habits. Use mouthwash and deodorant... and go light on the cologne (or perfume).
- Research: If you want to win, embrace the issues that concern voters. Don't make the mistake of assuming your issues are theirs. Read the papers — especially letters to the editor. Read opinion polls. Attend civic meetings. Attend a focus group. Check out internet forums on local news sites.
- Practice public speaking. Hire a coach if necessary.
- Know your prospective opponents and the incumbent. More research. Read everything you can find about them and their records.
- Develop a thick skin — You will be the victim of ad hominem attacks and your response can turn on or turn away voters.
- Do take this wikihow with a grain of salt... public office (and how to get there) is not this easy...
- Campaigns are time-consuming — It's not fair to supporters if you're going to be a "Weekend Campaigner." Races aren't won by part-timers.
- Do it because you want to serve the community through that office. Don't do it because you don't like the incumbent or the other candidates or you're mad because the township allowed an industrial park to be built off your backyard.
- Respond to negative attacks positively. Mud-slinging is never an option, and it can hurt your campaign. Plus, your opponent will have ammo for the next round.
- Campaigns are expensive — Expect to fund at least the preliminary stage of your campaign. If you are a good fundraiser and have capable volunteers, you can grow your war chest.
- Don't decide to run for office impulsively. Many successful candidates make the decision to run and lay groundwork years before an election.
- Make sure the decision is your choice. Don't be pressured into it. But you should realize most of the good presidents didn't want to run for office.
- Take a hard look at yourself — Make sure you and your spouse have impeccable personal, financial and professional records.
- Consult family members — living in the public eye will have ramifications for them as well as you.
- Be careful of "skeletons in your closet", make sure you have good reputation among your peers, otherwise this will backfire as you run for office, many great candidates have lost once such "skeletons" were exposed.
Things You'll Need
- Core planning group
- Campaign marketing plan
- Fund-raising plan
- Motivated volunteers
- Database
- Web site
- Print/Promo/Fundraising materials
- Donation envelopes
- Campaign Signs*
- Buttons
- Stand by Transportation
- Camera
- Business Cards
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