Score A Goal In Soccer
Playing a game of soccer can be a good way to have fun and get some exercise. Strategy, teamwork, and athleticism are all key parts of the game. However, without proper technique scoring a goal during a soccer game can still be difficult. Learning and practicing certain techniques can help you score more goals during your next game.
Scoring on Established Defense
- Make the defender overplay. Having a defender trying to block you or steal the ball can be a difficult obstacle to overcome. However, the defender has some weaknesses that you can exploit to move beyond them. Try some of the following techniques to get around a defender.
- Wait for them to overplay which will send them off balance and allow you to move around them.
- You can try a fake or juke to make the defender move one way while you go the other.
- The main focus is to keep the defender off balance, taking away their ability to recover their momentum and block you.
- Set the pace. Although the defender will be trying their best to slow you down it is important that you set the pace. If you slow down or give into their defense they will have a better chance of stopping you or stealing the ball. Always be aggressive when facing any defenders and set the pace of the attack.
- Defenders will try to push you into a position where they can steal the ball.
- Try to push into the defender, causing them to continually back up.
- Try to move towards the defenders backside at all times to prevent them from stealing the ball.
- Work with your team. Soccer is a team sport and working with your team can greatly increase your chances of scoring more goals during a match. Passing the ball and properly attacking the defenders will make more shots possible, allowing you to increase your own chances of scoring more goals.
- Pass-a-Soccer-Ball.
- Keep an eye on your teammates and pass the ball when they are open.
- Don't hog the ball. Working together will increase your chances of scoring more often.
- Shoot the ball and score the goal. Once you have a clear shot at the goal you will need to shoot the ball quickly and accurately in order to score the goal. Make sure you kick the ball with proper technique and shoot it away from where the goal keeper might be located in order to increase your chances of successfully scoring a goal.
- Using the inside of your foot allows for greater accuracy at the cost of power.
- Kicking with your toes allows for greater power but less accuracy.
- Kick the middle or top half of the ball.
- Shooting low makes it tough for the goalkeeper to reach the ball and block the shot.
- Avoid shooting high as this can make it easy for the goalkeeper to grab the ball.
- Aim your shot for the far side of the goalkeeper as these are harder for them to block.
Scoring on a Breakaway
- Get close before shooting. Although it can be tempting to kick the ball from far away and as hard as you can, taking shots closer to the net can result in a better chance of scoring a goal. By shooting close to the net you will allow for greater accuracy and control over your shot, making it more difficult for the goalkeeper to block. Make sure you aren't shooting from too far away to increase your score count. Also, ensure you maintain your distance from the goalie as goalkeepers are trained to make themselves look big and then dive and latch onto the ball. Make sure you have sufficient distance to shoot from without the goalkeeper being able to grab onto the ball.
- Shoot from around 10 to 15 meters away.
- Shooting close to the goal increases your accuracy.
- Shooting from too far away can lower your chances of scoring a goal.
- Chip the ball. During a breakaway it's just you and the goalkeeper. Chipping the ball over the goalkeeper can be an effective way to overcome any defense they might offer. Wait until you are close and use the following technique to chip the ball over the keeper and score a goal.
- Wait for the goalie to dive or move towards the ball.
- Bring your leg and foot down to kick the ball.
- Strike the bottom half of the ball without following through with your kick.
- By kicking the right spot on the ball and not following through you will send the ball up and over the goalie.
- Dribble past the goalkeeper. As long as the goalie is standing in your way he has a chance of blocking your shot. A good technique you can use is to dribble the ball past the goalie before shooting. This technique calls for you to trick the goalie into diving for the ball and then moving around him in the opposite direction before shooting.
- Approach the goal and draw the goalie out from the net.
- Pretend that you are going to move either left or right for your shot.
- As the goalie dives towards your ball, quickly change directions and dribble past him.
Scoring on a Set Piece
- Score from the corner kick. Corner kicks occur when the defending team plays the ball beyond their own goal lines. This can be a great opportunity to send the ball back into play and score a quick goal. Focus on the main concepts behind the kick, kicking technique, and teamwork to make the corner kick work for you.
- Strike the lower portion of the ball with the inside of your foot.
- Send the ball towards your teammates who should be waiting near the goal.
- Your teammates should receive the ball and quickly shoot it into the net.
- Avoid kicking it towards the oppositions goalkeeper or other defending players.
- Score from a free kick. Free kicks allow you the chance to shoot the ball directly towards the goal. However, the other team will be allowed to form a wall of players between you and the goal. There are a few kicking strategies that you can use to overcome their defense and score a goal on your free kick.
- Shoot the ball above the other players. Strike the ball low and follow through with your kick. Practice your aim as you won't want to shoot too high and miss the goal.
- You can try shooting the ball along the ground if you believe the players defending will jump up to try and stop your shot.
- It is possible to kick the ball around the blocking players. This is the hardest technique and will require a lot of practice to get the proper power behind your kick and the right amount of bend in the shot.
- Setting up your throw in. A throw in will result if the opposing team plays the ball beyond one of the side lines. Tossing the ball in has specific rules that you will be required to follow. However, a toss in also presents an opportunity to score a goal. Work with your teammates and practice various methods of scoring on a toss in.
- You must keep both your feet behind the side line and throw the ball in with both arms.
- Throw the ball to players who are in a good position on the pitch.
- Try to throw the ball at your teammates feet, allowing them to quickly trap the ball.
- Goals cannot be scored directly by a throw in but do allow you to position the ball and your team for a greater chance of scoring when in play.
- Keep a close eye on where the goalie is when you are shooting.
- Get in some quality practice time.
- Pay attention to what other players are doing during a game.
- Be ready to take a shot and avoid hesitating.
- Work with your team to score more goals.
- Use the proper kicking technique.
- Don't shoot too far away from the goal.
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Sources and Citations
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