Shave Your Back
You have a hairy back, and you want to shave it. It is possible to shave your own back, although you'll need to take your time and be very careful not to cut yourself. It can be much easier to ask someone to help out, or to simply pay a professional in a hair salon. Read on to learn about how to remove your back hair!
Shaving Your Own Back
- Be very careful. This task is doable but difficult. If you're shaving your own back without any help, you may have a hard time reaching the entire area. This might lead you to shave at strange angles, which can heighten the risk of slicing the skin. You may not have full visibility of the region that you're shaving, and you may not be able to tell easily when you've missed a spot. Consider finding someone else to do it: probably a partner or a paid professional.
- Use the safest razor possible. Choose a razor with a lot of blades, and ideally a razor with built-in safety features. A quality electric razor may be better for your back than a cheap manual razor.
- Keep a towel on hand in case you cut yourself. If you slice your back while shaving, it probably won't bleed too profusely – but it will be painful. Use the towel to blot the blood in the case of a mishap.
- Plan ahead. Give yourself plenty of time to get the job done right. Choose a space that is private, well-lit, and easy to clean up. A bathroom is ideal: a bright space with a mirror, running water, and a tile floor. Make sure that you have plenty of water and shaving cream to make the shaving process easier on your back.
- Use a shaving cream or shower gel that contains exfoliating ingredients. This may help keep you free of ingrown hairs and razor burn.
- If you rush yourself, you might be more likely to make a mistake. Not only can slipping up be painful and embarrassing – but it can open you up to the risk of infection.
- Use a mirror. If you are going to shave your own back, you need to make sure that you can see the entire area that you're working on. Use a large, clean mirror, and try to angle it so that you have a clear view of the back. If possible, use two mirrors. Consider using a hand-held mirror to focus on specific sections at at time.
- Not only will a mirror make the process of shaving much safer, but it will help you know when you've finished. You may need to hold the mirror very still and very close to your back to tell whether you've "missed a spot."
- Try using a razor extender. There are products that are specifically designed to help you shave your back. These extra-long handles will hold your razor and dramatically increase your reach. Research products before you buy. Decide whether this is something that you will realistically use again and again.
- Go slowly. Take your time, and use plenty of shaving cream. Shave with long, unbroken strokes across your back, and don't be afraid to take multiple passes at the same spot. Go against the "grain" or growth of your hair. Overlap your strokes to make sure that you get everything. Be patient.
- As you go, continue to apply liberal amounts of shaving cream and water. Depending on your hair coverage, you might need a lot.
- Take special care when shaving around your spine and shoulder blades. Ridged areas provide an uneven surface, which might make your razor more likely to jump.
- Clean up afterwards. When you're done shaving, take a shower to wash the wet hairs and shaving cream off of your back. Dry your back gently with a clean towel, being ginger and gentle with any spots that you've nicked. Consider rubbing lotion into your skin – your back may feel raw and slightly painful from the shave, and your back skin may not be used to the stress.
Removing Back Hair Without Shaving
- Consider having your back professionally waxed. Find a salon that offers body waxing, and go in for an appointment. It is generally safer than shaving, it lasts longer, and it shouldn't cost much more than $30. You won't need to shave your back every few days to keep the stubble down, and over time your back hair should even start to grow in thinner!
- Waxing removes hair from the root. If done well, a back wax may last as long as six weeks – much longer than any shave.
- Avoid trying to wax your back at home. If you do this, make sure that you have help, and that both of you know what you're doing. Waxing done poorly can be even more dangerous than a botched shave.
- Look into laser hair removal. This solution permanently removes the hair from your back, making it much more long-term effective than either shaving or waxing. It is usually a very safe and professional procedure, although it may be somewhat more expensive than your alternatives. Consider whether a permanently hair-free back is worth the cost.
- The price of laser hair removal will depend on the particular salon and the hairiness of your back. As a general rule, however, you can expect the procedure to cost about $400-500 per session, over as many as eight sessions. This means that you might wind up shelling out $3,200-4,000 for the entire treatment plan.
- Try using a depilatory cream. These products dissolve your hair at the surface of the skin, and the hairless effect usually lasts about twice as long as shaving. Be aware that these creams can be difficult to apply yourself, so you may need to ask a friend or a partner to help out. This can be a quick, easy, and relatively cheap solution – but it is not nearly so long-lasting as waxing or laser hair removal.
Asking for Help
- Find someone to help you shave. Shaving your own back is doable, but risky, and a pair of helping hands will make the process much easier than doing it all by yourself. Make sure that you trust the person, and that you are very close. Consider asking your significant other, if you're in a fairly serious relationship. If you're single, you might try asking a close friend. You may even find it easier to pay a professional for the job.
- Trim thick hair on your back. If you have electric clippers, this step is as simple as having your friend plug in the clippers and trim down the hair on your back. If you don't have clippers handy, have your friend use a comb and scissors to trim down your hair. Removing the thick hair first should make shaving your back quicker and easier.
- Rinse off afterwards. Hop into the shower and rinse the trimmed hair off of your back. Once you've rinsed off any loose hairs, you are ready to start shaving.
- Use ample shaving cream. Before you shave, ask your friend to rub shaving cream onto your back. Make sure that they cover the entire area that you want to be shaved.
- Slowly shave the back. Be sure that your friend is not applying too much or too little pressure while shaving your back. Have him or her rinse the razor after each stroke for more effective shaving.
- For the smoothest shave, your friend should be shaving in the opposite direction of your hair growth.
- Don't go over the same spot too many times. Over-shaving may cause a rash or cut.
- Clean up afterwards. Once your back is shaved, hop in the shower and rinse off the excess shaving cream. Gently towel dry. Rub lotion into your skin to keep your shaved back from stinging or drying out. Be sure to thank your shaving partner for the favor!
- Check in the mirror to make sure that your friend didn't miss a spot. Reapply shaving cream and shave off any spots that might have been missed.
- Go slowly. Cuts on your back are painful.
- Waxing and laser hair removal are also good options for back hair removal.
- Don't try to shave your back on your own unless you have a shaver for that specific purpose.
- Decide whether you need to shave your back. Depending on your partner, your lifestyle, and your personal preference, you may find that it's much easier just to live with your hairy back. Think before you shave.
Things You'll Need
- A Friend or Partner
- Shaving Cream
- Nearby Shower
- Clippers
- Razor
- Lotion
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