Make an Independent Film

If you're interested in making an independent film (get some greens out of it) and submit it to film festivals, this article's for you!


  1. Have a budget. You need to write out a budget for everything you need, including how much you can spend. If low on funds, you can use the Internet to help you raise funds or use a film funding competition.
  2. Come up with a story. It's often easier to start from the end and work your way back. Some ways to create a story:
    • Merge two genres together(Quentin Tarantino's death proof slasher and car movie)
    • Make a list of cool things you have or can get a hold of and base your story around those items.
    • Get ideas from other movies. For example: asking the question, "What destroyed the world in Wall-E? Was it a war, energy shortage, or some other disaster?"
  3. Create the characters. Your characters will shape the story and motivate scenes. You can base characters on people you know or people you meet. Understanding personality types and personality factors will help you make deeper and more believable characters. Write a full-page bio for each of your characters: where they come from, everything about their life, and their personality.
  4. Create the scenes. Write down every scene you can think of in detail on individual cards, and don't worry about if they fit together yet. Make sure every scene you have is motivated by your characters and your underlying story. Once you have a good selection go through and pick the best ones.
  5. Format your story. Go through your scenes and make sure each scene leads into the next. Outline everything that happens as if it was the table of contents in a book. Make sure everything you have is necessary to the story, and edit out anything that isn't.
  6. Create a script. You can find script-writing How-To's on this website.
  7. Create a storyboard. Storyboard out all your camera shots so you know what you're working with and you're ready to go the day of the shoot. There is software to help you with this like FrameForge 3D Studio.
  8. Gather your equipment. You need a camera preferably with 24P(movie standard) and a shallow depth of field. A boom pole and shotgun mic will improve your sound and make your film seem more professional.
  9. Decide on a location. Most people won't mind you shooting at their home or business as long as you don't damage anything. They may require you to sign a waiver of liability, so keep some handy.
  10. Look for actors. See other How-To articles on this website.
  11. Get the proper lighting. Three point lighting is the most used lighting technique for film. You can use a white poster board to bounce light on the shadow side of the face.
  12. Record room sounds before filming. Every room has a unique sound and you need it for when you edit the sounds in post-production.
  13. Direct the actors. To direct an actor you need to say things that will bring out an emotion, like, "play the scene as if you had just found out your dog has been involved in an accident." Do not just give an actor instructions such as, "be angrier," as this is not very clear and leaves a lot up to interpretation.
  14. Blocking. It is common to start with the master shot to give your actors more freedom of movement, then whenever you move in for closer shots you put the camera where will cover all the action. Make sure the actor follows the same path and movement every time.
  15. Continuity. Make sure when you shoot a scene all movements, clothing, props and everything else are the same and in the same place, so that when you edit everything matches up.
  16. Editing. You can find articles on editing on this site. You can find editing software here
  17. Film look.Magic Bullet'ssoftware will make your movie look more like it was shot on film.
  18. Sound editing. Sound editing should help tell the story. You should have sound effects for doors opening, walking and anything else, you can record all your sound effects with your microphone. After getting the sound how you like it you can use the sound you retorted on your set to blend it together.
  19. Press kit. You need a press kit to send to film festivals. Here is an example.
  20. Film festivals. You can send your film to film festivals through withoutabox.
  21. Selling your film. You can sell your movie on create space.


  • Get written consent from all people working on the film and all locations.


  • Copyright before sending out your film.

Things You'll Need

  • Video camera
  • Sound equipment (boom pole, shotgun mic, and something to record with)
  • A decent computer with editing software
  • Actors
  • Locations to shoot