Make a Stencil Print on Paper

Want to make your own stencils? Follow these steps to make awesome stencils, to use on cards or anything.


  1. Take a piece of paper and draw a simple design. It could be a flower, or initials, or anything you want.
  2. Use card stock or another heavyweight paper, and cut out the pattern. Lightly tape the pattern to the card stock. Take a pencil and trace on the pattern, so that you can make a imprint on the cardstock.
  3. Take the pattern of the cardstock, and use an x-acto knife to cut out the pattern on the cardstock, and trace on whatever you like.


  • After you cut out the pattern on the cardstock, put the stencil on paper or what ever you want. Then you can spray paint the pattern onto something.


  • When using the x-acto knife, have parental supervision, so you don't cut yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • paper
  • pencil
  • tape
  • x-acto knife
  • cardstock
  • paint, crayons, markers, spray paint, e.t.c

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