Change WEP to WPA

Most users discovered reading some of wikiHow articles that WEP encryption is weak,and can be broken! actually this fact is true, WEP can be discovered by typing simple commands and getting Ivs from your networks,analyze them,and...your key is found!so you must be aware from this and turn directly to a stronger encryption mode: WPA : Wi-Fi Protected Access: authorizes and authenticates users onto the wireless network. WPA uses stronger security than WEP and is based on a key that changes automatically at a regular interval.


  1. First open your browser and type your router IP address; the default IP address is
  2. If you don't know what your ip is,all you have to do is to click start then run and type "cmd" (without quotes)then press enter a new window will open type in this window "ipconfig" then press can now detect your ip. copy this IP or write it down and type it in any browser.
  3. Enter your router user name and password. If you have never configured your router and it has no password the user name will be "admin" and leave the password enter or click on log in.(you must enter a secure password to your router but this is not our topic)
  4. Now on the left side of the screen click on wireless setup
  5. Choose "manual connection setup"
  6. Scroll down to the end of the page you will notice the "wireless security mode"change it to WPA
  7. Enter a new network key to your network(optional)that you must type for each user in order to connect to the router.
  8. Save the settings.

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