Spend Your Weekend
Are you bored every weekend, not knowing what to do? Just lying on the couch like a dead bug? Here are some ideas to get you inspired!
Seeing friends
- Call a friend. See what they're doing. Having someone around makes most activities so much more enjoyable.
- Make new friends. You always need a friend, so why not make a new one?
- Check out if any movies are going on or if there are any movies available for renting.
- Check your local calendar. Maybe there are events going in your town or city (or nearby) that you can go to.
- Go shopping. Just be careful you don't buy too much, or anything that you don't really need.
- Spend some time on the computer chatting or playing games.
- Volunteer. Why not be nice? Volunteering can be fun sometimes. In fact you may meet new friends!
- Spend time with family. Sometimes this can be boring, but it's worth getting to know your family members better. Ask lots of open ended questions and ask them to tell you stories about their past, your family heritage and things they've most enjoyed doing in life.
- Bake food for a neighbor or friend who isn't well. Pop around and cheer them up and leave them something delicious to eat.
Outdoor activities
- Go for a walk.There's nothing like a walk out in the fresh air!
- Go cycling. Plan a route, take your bicycle, some snacks and a camera. Go with friends. Enjoy the cycling time and take photos of the places you see and the people you're spending time with.
- Take your cycling computer to record time, travel distance, average speed, etc.
- Go for walks in your neighborhood. Get to know everywhere like the back of your hand. Discover lanes, interesting architecture and fun places to go.
- People watch/ Visit a cafe and sit down to simply observe people. Be sure to buy a few drinks and a snack too, or you'll be asked to leave. If you don't want to spend money, sit in the park or somewhere public and observe from there; bring your own snacks.
- Get inspired. Having some time alone to express yourself creatively can get stress off your mind. Many people find listening to music while drawing/writing/dancing/sculpting/etc inspiring. Find the right songs, set them on a playlist (so that they can go one after another) and just let inspiration flow.
- Make a blog for you and your friends.Who knows it could turn out to be cool with your friends?
- Do crafts or artwork. From scrapbooking to painting, there are lots of artistic things you could try.
Self improvement
- Do your homework. Relaxing is a lot easier when work isn't hanging over your head.
- Clean your room. Although it can be hard and tedious work, that sense of satisfaction from a neat and organized room is unbeatable.
- Do personal grooming. Give your hair a hot oil treatment, trim your toenails and exfoliate your skin.
- Clean out your wardrobe. Donate clothes that don't fit anymore or that you no longer want to wear. Work out what replacements you need to buy or make.
- Learn a new language. Decide which language interests you most, download an app or podcasts and start learning. Find some online penpals to exchange messages with in another language.
- Following these tips and organizing your free time in the weekends will get stress off your mind and make Mondays less harsh and the week will flow until the other weekend!
- Remember, don't leave homework/assignments for the last second! You can get in trouble.
- Don't overdo spending time on a computer.
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