Start a Four‐Wheeler Tao Tao 110 if the Starter Button Is Broken

This article explains how to start a four-wheeler Tao Tao 110 when you can't use your starter button. It may work on other four-wheelers but this is not guaranteed or known.


  1. Be aware that you will be completing an electric circuit. As such, the handle used must be either rubber or other safe conducting material.

Testing the power box

  1. Take off the side frame. Unwrap the wires off the bar. 
  2. Find the white box or see-through box with two wires coming from each end. 
  3.  Unclip the white box. Pull out the fuse but leave the wires in the box. 
  4. Find the solenoid. This will be a cylinder that connects two wires between the battery and the starter.
  5. Check the power box if the four boxes are melted. If they are melted, take them off the circuit board.
  6. Find the plugs to plug in. One should have five prongs and the other should have six conductors. Plug these together.
  7. Put the controller back under your seat where it was before.

Starting your 4 wheeler

  1. Get the 2-inch metal piece. Make sure that the kill switch is off and not on.
  2. Turn on your key ignition. There should be a solenoid with two bolts; connect both of them with the 2-inch piece of metal.
    • Note: Be sure to hold the metal piece with a rubber or other safe conducting handle in order to not get shocked when you complete the circuit.
  3. After a few seconds, the engine should start without the starter button. If it doesn’t, then you likely have another issue.


  • Do not touch the wires that are touching both sides of the fuse; this risks getting an electric shock.

Things You'll Need

  • Power box
  • A key or something metal about two inches long (it needs a rubber handle or something that blocks electric shock as you will be completing an electric circuit)
  • Battery -12 volts
  • Regular gasoline
  • Four wheeler Tao Tao 110

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