Stay Awake in Dull Meetings
Yes, there are better ways to fend off a nap than jamming a pen into your thigh under the table. Staying awake during dull meetings requires a little effort on your part to "remain in the moment".
- Pay attention. If the meeting is relevant to you for your job, you'll need to know what it's about. Tune in and see what you learn.
- Participate. Do you have an opinion? Participation can demonstrate your value to the team. It can also take the meeting in a different direction that's more relevant to you and help to get things done.
- Take notes. This helps you remember the content and makes it much easier to stay engaged with the meeting.
- Open a window. Warm, stuffy rooms promote brain fog. Fresh air and street noise will help keep you alert even when the subject matter doesn't.
- Apply acupressure. Tap your fingers on your forehead, massage the muscles between your thumb and index finger, rub the base of your skull, or knead the spot below your knee.
- Peel an orange. Or pop an Altoid. Citrus and mint aromas not only help you stay focused, they also reduce anxiety and frustration.
- Plan to avoid tired times. If you're the boss, have mercy. Don't schedule meetings between 1 and 4 pm. People get mighty drowsy after scarfing down their turkey sandwiches. And save those long, tedious speeches for morning sessions.
- Go to the toilet. Even if you don't need to take a leak, you can still pretend you do. Take your time. Use a bathroom on another floor. Walk slowly. Stop to talk to coworkers who aren't at the meeting.
- Play Bullsh** Bingo. You can probably find a copy of this game online.
- Pass notes. Find creative ways to pass notes with coworkers. Chances are, even if your boss does see you doing so, he or she won't be able to believe you had the audacity to do so in the first place.
- Doodle. Be creative. For extra fun, pass the drawing around the table.
- Bring work. Do you have papers to sort, notes to review, plans to make? Make use of meeting time by multitasking some of this low-level work.
- Use a laptop or handheld device if you have one. Otherwise, keep it inside one folder, binder, or notebook.
- Move. Fidgeting under the table, even a little bit, can help to keep the blood flowing. Turn in your chair, swing your legs, or excuse yourself for a few minutes. This is especially helpful if the meeting is turning into a three-hour marathon.
- Get enough sleep the night before.
- Don't attend meetings if the subject is completely irrelevant to your work. It doesn't always work, but sometimes mentioning to the meeting organizer that you're working on other things can get you out of a meeting altogether.
- Avoid disturbing coworkers who are participating, even if you choose not to.
- Don't shirk the meeting entirely without permission or at least a good excuse.
- Don't ignore the subject matter of the meeting entirely if you're responsible for knowing it.
- Don't be too blatant about ignoring the meeting. Doodling in the margin of your notebook can be pretty low-profile and even look like taking notes. If you're doing much more than that, be aware of who might look over your shoulder.
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Sources and Citations
- Wired Magazine - Original source of this article. Shared with permission.