Stay Smart

With so many suggestions out there for maintaining intelligence, here are some basic suggestions of ways to stay smart.


  1. Understand that being smart implies abilities to apply intelligence (use of reason) and practical experience that are deemed to be clever, witty, shrewd, or bright.
  2. Start reading parts of the newspaper that you wouldn't normally read. This will help improve your overall knowledge and vocabulary.
  3. Take good notes. Whether you're at a company meeting or if you're in math class, this will help you remember the information and give you something to refer to.
  4. Eat healthy and at least try to exercise. If you are very busy academically (school, homework etc) and haven't done any gym or running at school then look up other wikiHows on "How To Exercise While Sitting At Your Computer, or How To Eercise While Watching TV. Please exercise. It will have a great impact on your life in all aspects.
  5. Interact with other smart people towards sharpening your abilities via participation in high-minded discussion groups whether in person or through social media within blogs and various interest groups on the Internet.
  6. Concentrate on everything you do. Once you focus on something 100%, you will probably do better than you usually do.
  7. Try not to watch TV too much. If you watch about 12 hours a week. Try to limit yourself to 11 the next. Continue this, until you have had a reasonable time of television viewing.
  8. Study something absurd or unusual, and know a lot about it. Just make sure that it isn't a waste of your time.
  9. Build something. But again, don't waste your time. If you don't enjoy doing it... don't bother! Spend your time doing something better.
  10. Read everything you see. Read enough to make you "informed" about it.
  11. Improve your memory.
  12. Learn to focus better.
  13. Improve your reading speed and comprehension.
  14. Solve mentally challenging puzzles.
  15. Think about philosophical questions.
  16. Try to innovate new ideas that haven't been thought up of yet. You never know, you could become rich!
  17. Always be willing to learn something new.
  18. Accept when challenges come your way.
  19. Learn from your mistakes.


  • Stay calm and cool.
  • Don't forget to enjoy your life!


  • Don't become so obsessed with your intelligence that you compromise social relations/skills.
  • Don't read while you're driving unless you are reading a sign.

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