Store Mangoes

Mangoes are often available in large amounts when in season and it can be tempting to buy a boxful when they are at a bargain price. However, you must take into account your ability to consume them in time, or to provide proper storage to avoid losing them to spoilage. This article provides tips on proper storage of mangoes.


  1. Select quality mangoes. Mangoes should be selected by aroma, not by color; color distinguishes variety rather than readiness. The aroma should be distinct and ripe. In addition, choose mangoes without blemishes or splits.
  2. Prepare for storage. Keep firm mangoes at room temperature to begin with. Once they are slightly softer (they will indent when gently pressed), place them in the fridge.
  3. Store in the fridge for 2–5 days.
  4. Freeze if wished. Mangoes can be frozen. The skin will turn black but the flesh will stay in good condition (it will be just a little softer than prior to freezing). You can freeze either the entire mango or you can freeze chopped up pieces.


  • Frozen mango is ideal for use in salads, ice cream, drinks (smoothies, etc.) and sauces.

Things You'll Need

  • Fridge or freezer storage

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