Support Your Local Farmers

Hear a lot about GMOs? Worried about corporations overpowering farmers in your area. They need your support. They absolutely cannot fight the corporations themselves. There are some ways to help them.


  1. Find any Farmers' Markets in your area. Local Harvest has a website that will help you find them. [1] You will get the health benefits of fresh foods and will hit the corporations in their wallet.
  2. Read the labels on the foods that you do buy and educate yourself about what they are putting into it. One good suggestion is, if you can't pronounce it, you probably shouldn't be eating it.
  3. Find, and join, a local co-op. If there aren't any, consider Start a Food Co‐op!
  4. Keep an eye out for local roadside stands. Obviously, the same cleanliness rules apply, but you won't have to worry about that if it is a reputable food stand.
  5. Know why you want to support your local farmers.
    • It's better for you.
    • It's GMO free (or at least it should be)
    • It supports a clean environment and wildlife.
    • It's the right (and smart) thing to do.

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