Take Action to Reduce Global Warming
Global warming has been an evolving debate for some time. It's the worldwide rise of global temperatures above all around the world we live in. It's not all fun in the sun during the middle of January as many people may think. On a more serious note, this is causing many not-so-fun events in the world like intense droughts, more frequent damaging storms, plants and animals to be out of rhythm with the seasons. This warming mainly caused by a hole in the ozone layer which is a layer of air and chemicals high above the earth surface that shields us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun and that burns smaller meteorites before they hit our lovely planet. Many environmentalist are blaming the release of greenhouse gases coming from pollution emissions from factories and cars the eat up ozone but don't allow heat from the earth to escape into space like a greenhouse holds heat inside it. Let's take our turn with this article to protect our precious ozone before it won't be able to shield us from harm.
[hide]- 1 Steps
- 1.1 Recognizing the Consequences of Global Warming
- 1.2 Playing the role of an environmental activist
- 1.3 Choosing Environmental Responsible Food Products
- 1.4 Reducing Wasteful Activities In Everyday Life
- 1.5 Saving Energy
- 1.6 Reducing Wasteful Activities On The Go
- 1.7 Eliminating Wasteful Activities During Gardening
- 1.8 Learning How to Handle Ozone Action Days
- 2 Tips
- 3 Related Articles
- 4 Sources and Citations
- 5 See also
- 6 What links here
Recognizing the Consequences of Global Warming
- Inform yourself about global warming. Learn about what Greenhouse Gas are as well the all the effects it's having on our ozone.Global warming disrupts millions of lives daily by way of destructive weather patterns and loss of habitat. Becoming educated on the subject is the first important step to taking action. On a personal level, you'll be more apt to change your lifestyle if you know the truth; on a political level, you'll be better able to inform others and inspire change if you study the issue first.
- Make note at how global warming will affect food supplies. Many plants we use as food require a freezing period to set seeds or produce fruits. Apples, peaches, plums and many nuts and grains will not set seed or fruit without winter cold seasons. Warmer season food plants may not be able to survive the new warmer temperature extremes.Cold season crops like spinach, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli don't take to well to warm weather and could no longer be able to be produced.
- This will also affect the food animals that eat the plants and cause harm to them. Unhealthy plants can result in unhealthy animals. You wouldn't want to eat meat from an unhealthy cow pig or chicken.
- Warmer climate means warmer water. This is causing an alarming rate of jellyfish and algae "blooms." Animals including coral and microscopic organisms called plankton can't survive in the same areas as these toxic organisms. This causes "dead zones" in the ocean. Once these animals that support the food chain for other fish like tuna, sardines, salmon, anchovies, bass die the fish that eat them will soon die as well. The same thing is happening to many freshwater lakes and rivers. Also people can't swim or eat fish from this same water or they too will get very sick.
- Beware of the invasion of tropical species. This global warming is causing organisms from more warmer regions to head north. Many of these might cause more harm than good. Killer Bees, Fire Ants. Like any invasive species these too will most likely be too aggressive for native plants and animals to compete with. Remember what the Emerald Ash Borer did to ash trees and that fish called the African Pike that ate all the poor species of cichlids/bass fish in the Lakes of Africa.
- Notice how those nasty, deadly illnesses caused by tropical viruses can also spread into normally colder climates and wreak havoc on health resources in new areas where they are not normally a concern.
- Beware that with a depleting ozone layer there is an increased risk of other human illness such as skin cancer and heatstroke. With higher amounts of ultraviolet light coming from the sun due to the ozone layer disappearing the risk of skin cancer also will rise.
- Think about all economical effects global warming will have on industries that rely on cold weather and snow. Has the local ski resort or winter festival in your community been closed all year or canceled due to the lack of snow pack on the mountain. What about the people who plow snow off roads for a living or the companies that produce winter sports gear, winter clothes, sweaters.
- Consider all the risks and challenges the come along with these new weather extremes caused by global warming. Mountain wildlife and nearby mountain communities rely on the mountain streams that run from melting snow and glaciers to fill lakes and reservoirs. Salmon schools require these same streams that run to the ocean to breed. Every damaging storm causes catastrophic results to not only lives and personal possessions being lost, but resources and supply costs as well to rebuild and heal affected communities. With the intensity of storms increasing so will the strain on community resources and emotions.
- Rising sea levels could mean losing valuable land space and possibly some major large cities that are built close the the seacoast including New York, Miami, England, and others. Not only will this cause a huge displacement of population resulting and more crowded situations for cities further inland but a huge disruption in government and economic processes.
Playing the role of an environmental activist
- Look at the issue of global warming on both the negative and positive standpoints. Many experts in the environment have lots to say about this controversial topic. We are bombarded by infomercials and commentary specials with viewpoints of the pros and cons of having a warmer planet Earth.
- Become educated by researching works and research done by leading environmental activist. Sir John Houghton, for example a climate specialist and co-chair of the IPCC Working Group who discusses catastrophes such as heat waves, Prepare for a Flood, droughts and storm surges that are impacting us heavily. What is happening is only the tip of the iceberg, Our children and grandchildren may suffer the most from global warming. Millions of people may be exposed to famine, water shortages, extreme weather conditions and a 20 - 30% loss of animal and plant species if we do not reduce the rate of global warming and GHG emissions.
- However having warmer winters means longer growing seasons in temperate and subarctic climes, allowing additional crops to be planted and harvested each year, simply making the existing crops more productive. Knowing both sides of the story will make you a better spokesperson for your cause.
- Know that no knowledge of politics or formal training is needed for being an environmental activist. If you are telling family and friends to switch out energy wasting electronics for more efficient ones or posting environmental news flash on your Twitter or Facebook statuses you are being an activist in your own right. These also includes any kind of teaching of the environment, rocks, the organisms that share our planet with us.
- Challenge People About Global Warming Theories. One way to broaden your impact is to rally other people to your cause. The more scientific facts you know to back yourself up, the better you can persuade people to make simple,effective changes in daily behavior. Energy-saving techniques are initially expensive (for example, solar power) or take extra time (for example, recycling), so many people need to be convinced that their efforts matter.
- Educate both young and old about environment concerns. Show children the animals and plants that produce the products we use. Point out how polluting the air is making people seriously ill. Demonstrate the benefits of environmental responsible activities and highlight how each person can play a vital role in reducing global warming. Show examples of what will happen if these actions are not taken.Remember, civil society does not respond well to moralistic scolding, so use education to enlighten, not frighten.
- Volunteer to help with local environmental initiatives and recycling projects. If the are none start one. Use the web also to seek out environmental projects and initiatives in your area.These can be planting trees in local neighborhood, or picketing for a toxic plant to clean up it's act. Many lower income countries and neighborhoods are often overlooked by greedy investors who care more about profits than human well-being. Standing up for the little guys will not only save the ozone but save lives of these people as well.
- Raise or donate money for programs and projects that care for our environment. Search the web for your favorite environmental and donate whenever possible. Some programs will have you make a pledge and receive a gift or purchase an item as if it's a store. Others hold fund raiser events like dinners and galas.
- Make sure the organization is legitimate and not a scam! There some phony sites and organizations that are only there to make profits and others where only a tiny penny of hundred dollars is going to actually helping the environment. Check with Better Business Bureau to make sure the site or organization is legit. Look for consumer review.
- Influence your government. Vote for candidates that prioritize finding solutions to global warming. Contact governmental officials with telephone calls, e-mails, and letters stating your position. Attend meetings with those who represent you in government.
- Be aware of how sometimes solving one problem involving global warming often creates another. For example, replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs has increased mercury contamination in homes and landfills. Fluorescent light bulbs are still preferable to incandescent bulbs (see below), but one must be careful to recycle them and to not break them, so that mercury is not released.The push to grow corn for ethanol has contributed to higher food prices while saving little energy, if any at all.
- Know that corporations have more impact on global warming than individuals. In order to end global warming, it's necessary to get corporations to adopt earth-friendly production and distribution practices..
Choosing Environmental Responsible Food Products
- Choose locally-owned restaurants over chain restaurants and fast food places. The fast food restaurants might use environmental friendly products in the store but the food may not be produced in such methods. Local restaurants mostly source their food based on what's available locally in fruit markets and meat centers.
- Try to purchase food (and other kinds of items) that are environmentally friendly. Many major chain food stores are stepping in dealing with companies that take measures to help the environment. This is a response from a growing number of consumers purchasing foods that are produced in a way that hopes conserve the earth.
- Whenever shopping for any goods look for logos and symbols like very familiar recycle arrows that indicate environmental responsibility. Organic fabric, health and beauty and food products use only natural fertilizers, ingredients and pest and disease control procedures. There are new natural versions of many common place items like ink pens with ink made of soy beans and natural dyes.
- Look for items that are fair trade. These companies take measures to make certain the local community of which the product is produced benefits and gets a fair share of the profits. Also these companies enforce strict standards for fair treatment of employees on the job and also put a halt on environment damaging practices like slash and burn. These are a win/win situation.
- Search for foods that are local and lower on the food chain. The more local and in season the food the less resources it takes to get your food. It will likely cost less. The lower on the food chain the less resources it takes to grow it. For instance one field of grain will make many loaves of bread or feed a couple of dozen chickens that can make 4 dozen eggs or it can feed one cow for steak and hamburger. The closer the food is produced to your local city the less it has to travel and less of those ozone eating gases that will enter the atmosphere.
- Shop at farmers' markets or locally-owned grocery stores instead of chain grocery stores. There are a lot of pleasant and unique tastes and surprises waiting for you in these local treasure troves.
- Avoid buying Styrofoam food products or those foods that come stored in Styrofoam choosing instead paper or recyclable ones. Avoid shipping packages with Styrofoam "peanuts" as well choosing paper or plastic. Styrofoam contains yet more gases that can harm the atmosphere.
- Consider vegetarian or vegan meals (optional). Even if it's a few vegetarian meals a month. Livestock are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than transportation. This is because large amounts of petroleum are used in creating ammonium nitrate fertilizer (for the corn that they are fed) and the cost of shipping corn to cattle,then shipping the cattle to slaughter and grocery stores. Choosing vegetarian foods also drastically reduces agricultural water consumption and land use, and favorably impacts biodiversity.
Reducing Wasteful Activities In Everyday Life
- Reduce, Reuse and recycle . Use recycling bins for glass, plastic, paper, cardboard, and other recyclable items. Encourage neighbors, supervisors, colleagues, and businesses to recycle. (15-25% of people do not recycle).
- Some communities now have different bins for different kinds of plastic. Look for the plastic number in the center of the 3 arrow icon. Each number represents a chemical formula the plastic is made of. Many labeled 1 and 2 are easily accepted at any recycling plant.5 containers are not because the recycling plant doesn't have the equipment to complete the recycling process. Some even take drinking and food ones but not the cleaner and bleach containers. Plastic takes forever to discompose back into the soil and it's chemicals are affecting the health of local water sources including the oceans.
- Use paper bags or reuse-able bags, anytime you are at the grocery store. It will help reduce garbage in landfills and it will save you money. If you like plastic, most plastic grocery bags are recyclable now, check your local stores to see if they have a take back policy. When ever possible also consider your local shop own brand of reusable shopping bags or purchasing bags and clothe baskets anywhere.
- Reduce your use of paper products. Decide whether something is really worth printing out before pressing "print." Leave a signature at the bottom of your e-mails reminding the reader to think twice before printing the e-mail.
- Use scrap paper for shopping lists, notes, Crop Your Photographs for Scrapbooks, Take Telephone Messages, taking notes in class, etc. Recycle your paper only when it has been thoroughly used up!
- When you print, make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper.
- Limit the amount garbage that goes into the garbage bin. All the garbage that goes into that garbage bin and into the garbage truck will end up in landfills that are release chemicals into the ground and into the air.
- Don't dispose of hazardous chemicals or items that contain them in the household garbage. Pesticides, herbicides, batteries, certain paints, home improvement chemicals all contain very toxic chemicals that will remain in the landfill and contaminate the soil and water in runoff during rains as well as eating up the ozone layer. Try to eliminate the use of aerosol spray cans as well whenever possible. Take such items to a proper disposal plant. You can drop off batteries and ink cartridges at many office supply stores or sell them on the Internet. Besides being toxic to the environment these item are also highly flammable and cause serious injury or death to humans.
- Don't burn plastic. When you burn plastic, it gives off toxic petroleum fumes that can be very dangerous to people and animals. Plastic fumes also eat up the ozone and can make global warming worse. New plastic is manufactured using plant material like soybeans and/or doesn't contain BPAs a group of chemicals that can cause harm in human sexual development.
- Use refills. Try using refills instead of buying new jars or bottles each time. This reduces your consumption and is usually cheaper, too.
- Buy minimally packaged goods. Less packaging reduces garbage significantly, saving 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide and $1,000 per year. If a certain product's packaging is excessive, mail it to the company with your challenge to the company to reduce its packaging; include suggestions on how if you have ideas and it can be recycled
- Don't throw away anything that might be reusable for another purpose. Those sturdy #5 plastic containers that is commonly used in food packaging and those CD spool leftovers make excellent storage containers. After boiling such containers in hot water they are fully dishwasher, microwave and freezer safe for food. Egg cartons and milk jugs are just the ticket for craft and art projects. Any tube thingy can be just perfect for holding cords and fabrics.
- Shop at small, local boutiques instead of large malls. Going to the same old mall or retail shop gets boring and all the energy used to keep such places operational also is a burden on natural resources. Look around for that out of the way or partially hidden store and there's a chance you discovered a diamond in the rough.
- Keep track of your carbon consumption. Use a carbon calculator to calculate your carbon footprint. These counters enable you to calculate your personal impact by adding up the carbon emissions from your activities.
- There are counters available for many countries; use your local search engine for results. An international calculator is provided by the World Resources Institute.
- There is a logo called Carbon Counted that companies can put on their products to communicate their carbon footprint. Products that have a low Carbon Counted footprint number give consumers a means by which to influence and reward companies that reduce emissions in the creation of their products.
- Pay more to buy less! It sounds like common sense but when you pay higher quality products even those that are not so environmental there's a very likely chance you are going not be being that item again in the immediate future. Also for items you buy very often try to buy them in larger sizes and in quantity so you in turn purchase less boxes and containers.
- After working on a remodel of your home or getting rid of an old car donate or sell items to a restoration shop or a scrap yard. Many antique stores contently enjoying getting used old fashioned tubs, light fixtures, artistic tile and other strange architectural items. A home restore store collects old window frames, counter top scraps, old concrete steps to restore and use for their projects as well. Watch for artisans in your town who turn old floor or wall planks into new trendy tables.
Saving Energy
- Use compact fluorescent or LED bulbs. Replace three frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs and save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$60 per year. A standard compact fluorescent bulb will save around one third of a tonne of greenhouse gas, along with the cost of six or more incandescent globes.
- Remember that CFL bulbs do contain small amounts of toxic mercury. Therefore, proper disposal (recycling) is necessary to prevent any additional landfill contamination.
- You can also start looking into LED lightbulbs which have started to crop up recently -- they are even more efficient, longer lasting, and do not contain mercury!
- Consider substituting as many energy efficient bulbs as you can, and give them as gifts to family and friends. Donate a set to a local charity to refit their office.
- Fill the dishwasher. Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Save 100 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$40 per year, or do them by hand with minimal water.
- Support producers of renewable energy. Help spur the renewable energy market by participating in it. In the UK you can get 100% renewable electricity by switching to a company such as Ecotricity or Good Energy Ltd. Alternatively, you can buy wind certificates, green tags and stock in renewable energy companies. Many of these companies are new and small, and the stock is low in price. These companies may offer opportunities for great returns if they prove profitable; just be sure to do your homework first, as you would when investing in anything.
- Insulate your home. You should insulate anything that uses energy to stay a different temperature from its environment. You can buy insulation from hardware stores and in many varieties.
- Keep your water heater insulated to save up to 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$40 per year. Avoid using units fitted with continuous pilot lights, and you will save AUD$40 and 200 kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions yearly. Also use less hot water. For example, if the shower is too cold, turn down the cold water instead of turning up the hot water.
- Be energy wise and insulate your entire home to keep down the heating and cooling costs. If your insulation is old or inefficient, do yourself a favor and replace it; not only will it reduce your output of emissions but it will also reduce your energy bills considerably. Consider the attic, crawlspaces, basement, walls and ceiling. If you have awkward spaces, be aware that cellulose or fiberglass insulation can be blown in by a professional contractor.
- Weather strip your home. Caulk and weather strip your doorways, windows and air conditioners. Save 1,700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$274 per year. You will discover that the costs of caulking are far outweighed by savings in fuel costs and increased comfort level.
- Replace old appliances and reduce reliance on them. Inefficient appliances (such as refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners) waste energy. Save hundreds of pounds of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year by replacing them (and having your old appliance recycled or disposed of properly).
- Many countries have "energy star" ratings on new appliances that allow you to assess the energy usage of the appliance. Check online before you go shopping to save time or at least check the seals on your fridge or freezer and replace them if they show signs of wear.
- While you're at it, reassess appliances that you really do not need to use, such as plug-in air fresheners. Try opening the windows instead (and throwing out that rotting fruit bowl) and replace with natural air freshener alternatives. Other items include the many so-called time-saving devices in your kitchen.
- Unplug unused electronics. Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy. Save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide and US$256 per year by unplugging them or switching them off at the wall using a power surge-protector (sometimes called a power center). Get into the habit of switching the power off before you go to bed.
Reducing Wasteful Activities On The Go
- Use public transportation. Taking the bus, the train, the subway or other forms of public transportation lessens the load on the roads and reduces one's individual greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1600 pounds per year. Taking public transport removes the stress of long road commutes and gives you a great opportunity to Read, think, and relax. You also save on parking money and time wasted looking for parking spaces.
- Ride a bicycle. Taking the bike instead of the car is a very simple solution. You may experience such problems as lack of suitable bike paths, having to deal with congested traffic or hilly terrain, but these are challenges that you can overcome with a little determination.
- Ask your local government to make (more) bike trails in your area and to make sure that bicyclists are kept safe from traffic in the same way that pedestrians are afforded this right. Get the local community behind you - a few neighbors, the street, or the whole suburb!
- If you have hilly terrain, there are solutions as well. Build up your strength with shorter trips, find alternate routes, or take a bus part way (many municipal buses have bike racks on the front that you can use).
- Use your vehicle as a tool against global warming. If you can't live without a car, then use it in a way that minimizes global impact.
- Keep your existing car in good repair. If you must drive keep your car well maintained and select gas that lasts long and burn cleaner. If you use these simple measures you'll not only help save the ozone but your car and loads of money on trips to the auto repair shop as well.
- Keep your car tires adequately inflated. Under-inflated tires can reduce fuel economy by up to 3% and are subject to increased wear and tear. Check them monthly. Save 250 lbs. of carbon dioxide and US$840 per year.
- Change your air filter. Check your car's air filter monthly. Save 800 pounds of carbon dioxide and US$130 per year. Cleaning your air filter improves your mileage and reduces pollution because it makes it easier for your car to take in air and maintain a proper fuel/air mixture.
- Practice green driving. Save gas and lower stress levels by being a considerate driver. Improve fuel efficiency by removing unused external objects such as roof racks, turning off your engine instead of idling for long periods of time (over 1 minute), and removing loads from the trunk/boot that are not necessary.
- Consider investing in one of the new hybrid cars.' The average driver could save 16,000 lbs. of CO2 and $3,750 per year driving a hybrid. Plug-in hybrids can save even more and one day may be able to give cash back.
- If not purchasing a hybrid least purchase a fuel efficient car.Save up to 20,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year using a more fuel efficient car - that's a savings of AUD$10,000 over a car's lifetime. Buying fuel efficient cars also encourage companies to continue making and improving them owing to increased demand. Using fuel efficiently also saves the drive loads of money from not having to refuel at the gas station so often.
Eliminating Wasteful Activities During Gardening
- #*Compost your leftovers and food scraps instead of tossing them in the trash.You can start composting organic waste like fruit and vegetable scraps, leaves, grass clippings and twigs. This the process nature mastered for years of leaving things in a pile on the ground and turning it into fertile soil to support plant life. You can also compost things like paper and egg shells. Do not compost human waste or things containing it. Meat scraps and poop from a meat eating animal also doesn't belong in the compost pile as these attract unwanted pests to the home and contain infectious diseases.
- Don't buy soil with Styrofoam in it. Styrofoam is another item that release greenhouse gases in the air. Also many peat based soils, and those made from some kinds of bark come from companies that burn the forest in it's production. Burning wood and peat equals carbon monoxide gases which a major ozone eaters. Choose one that produces things of such nature in a ecological friendly way.
- Consider using native plants or those appropriate to the local environment they will requires less resources to be maintained. Be selective when choosing plants for a garden or use methods in gardening that require less resources if you like a particular finicky plant. Choosing the best location and the correct agricultural practices will be better for the plant and the gardener.
- Avoid burning garden waste which sends more ozone gases into the air. Send your clippings and waste to the local shredder. Old pumpkins from Halloween season can be donated to a local garden nursery, school projects, or urban garden to use as compost better yet to the pumpkin smashing contest.
- Use a push mower to mow the lawn. Use your muscles instead of fossil fuels and get some strength-building exercise. Save 80 lbs of carbon dioxide per year.
Learning How to Handle Ozone Action Days
- Be on the lookout for extremely hot days during the summer season in weather reports.These are usually ozone action days. Those menacing greenhouse gases get a free lift to the ozone layer faster in extreme heat on these days. These days are called ozone action days and it's advisable to plan take measures to limit amounts of greenhouse gases being emitted.
- Don't run gas powered devices during these days. Try to limit the amount of driving you do one these days and do not mow the lawn during this heat. And try not to idle (leave your car running while not moving) your vehicle during these days or do excessive speeds which uses more gas more fumes and a possible speeding ticket or accident.
- Do not barbecue outdoors during ozone action day and if you really must barbecue on these days limit how long you use the grill and don't use lighter fluid when doing this activities.
- Keep energy usage to a minimum to avoid a massage power outage during the ozone action day. Turn off appliances not in use and limit the number of electronic devices running at one time.
- Keep yourself healthy and take it easy to avoid the greenhouse gases of the ambulance from getting into the atmosphere, headaches for the medical personnel and the huge medical bill.
- Don't worry about firework usage and watching pyrotechnic displays outside affecting the ozone. Often these are only polluting the air once to five times a year which is less than equal that of a major volcanic eruption.
- Grow fast growing plants.Plants like bamboo grow faster and produce 35% more oxygen than trees like oak or birch, and require fewer chemicals and care. Make sure that the plants are appropriate for your area; prefer native over introduced species and do not plant problem species. Bamboo, for example, can be very invasive in most of the US.
- Ride a bicycle or walk for short distances.
- Try to consume fewer products to help conserve resources and control waste. Rent movies and video games instead of buying them, or buy them used, or at a garage sale. Check out books in the library or buy them used, or at a garage sale.
- Planting trees balances carbon emissions and pollution. There are organizations that will help you offset your carbon footprint.
- Try to use more tap water and less bottled water. Doing so will reduce the energy costs of bottling and transporting water.
- Take responsibility for your office's energy use. Many offices leave air conditioners, computers and lights running all night. Work with responsible parties in your company to turn off these devices or use power-saving features when possible.
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Sources and Citations
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1007042,00.html
- http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2007/jan/10/global_warmings_silver_lining_could_be_longer_grow/?living
- http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,434356,00.html
- http://www.goodhumans.com/Guidelines/Household/?ghwgstart=50
- ↑ http://epa.gov/climatechange/wycd/road.html