Tell if Your Teen Is Using Drugs
If you have a suspicion that your teen is on drugs, it is important to determine if your suspicions are correct. Some teens experiment with drugs that are easy to acquire such as alcohol or marijuana. Others may experiment with more dangerous drugs such as meth, cocaine, or heroin. There are some warning signs that you should be watching for that may be an indicator that you teenager is using drugs.
Talking to Your Teen
- Ask your teen directly. This is the first step that you should take if you Confront-a-Teen-Using-Drugs. The more open you are with your teenager about drugs, the more likely they are to trust you and come to you if they have a problem. Be sure to inform them of the dangers of drug use and remind them of how important they are to you.
- Say something like, “I read an article about a teenager that had experimented with drugs while they were at a party. Have you ever tried any drugs?”
- Don’t dismiss your suspicion if your teenager says that they are not using drugs. They understand that admitting to drug use could get them into trouble. It may take time for them to come clean to you about their drug use.
- Bring up drugs in a conversation. It is important to have regular discussions about drugs with your teenager. You don’t have to directly ask them if they are using drugs to have a good conversation about it. Be sure to mention how dangerous and life-threatening drugs can be. This conversation may help you get a better sense of whether or not your teen is using drugs.
- Consider making the conversation about someone else. Ask your teen if they know of anyone who is using drugs.
- This conversation should feel relaxed and spontaneous. Try bringing up the topic while you are driving in the car alone with your teenager. This is an ideal place to talk to your teenager as they will not be busy doing other things.
- It is best to start talking with your children about the dangers of drug and alcohol use early rather than putting off the conversation until there is a problem. Talk to your kids about the dangers of drug and alcohol use well before they reach their teens. Many children begin using substances before they reach their teens.
- Provide your kids with age appropriate videos, pamphlets, and other materials that can help them understand. Check with your child’s teacher, school counselor, or other professionals who might be able to help you. You could even ask a D.A.R.E. officer to help you find ways to talk with your kids or to direct you to some resources.
- Also, let your kids know that you are willing to listen and answer their questions regarding drugs and alcohol use.
- Listen to your teen. Whether they admit to drug use or not, make sure that you are actively listening to your teenager. If they admit to drug use, listen carefully so that you can take the right steps to help them. If they do not admit to drug use, listen to any clues that they may give that might give you a better understanding of whether or not they are using drugs.
- Remain calm if your teenager admits to drug use.
- Avoid responding with anger, judgment, or blame. Instead, try to focus on listening to what your teen has to say.
- Be a good role model. Children often pick up on their parents’ habits as they get older. If you use alcohol or drugs yourself, then they may follow your lead. Strive to be a good role model for your teen by not using drugs or alcohol.
- Seek help for yourself if you think you might have a problem with drugs and/or alcohol.
Noticing Physical Signs
- Smell their clothes and breath. When they come home be sure to take note of their smell. You don’t need to have a breathalyzer to detect the use of drugs or alcohol. You can often smell alcohol, marijuana, or cigarettes long after they have been used.
- Just because their clothing smells like cigarettes or marijuana doesn’t mean that they were smoking them. They could have been hanging out with friends that were smoking.
- If you smell drugs on your teen, you should consider asking them about it. Say something like, “Have you been drinking?”
- Methamphetamines are commonly used among teens, and this drug may leave a cat urine smell.
- Excessive cologne or perfume could be an attempt to mask the smell of smoke or alcohol.
- Take note of any physical changes on their face. Nosebleeds, scabs around the mouth and nose, and bloodshot eyes can be a sign of drug use. This is especially true if you see more than one or all of these facial changes. It can be a sign that they are currently high or that they are snorting drugs up their nose.
- If you notice continuous facial changes, ask your teen if they need help by saying, “I’ve noticed that you have had a lot of nosebleeds lately. Is everything okay? Do you need to see a doctor?”
- Notice changes in their appearance. They may not care as much about their physical appearance. Showering less, not brushing their hair, wearing dirty clothes, or just generally looking unkempt may be a sign of drug use or of a mental health problem. This is especially alarming if your teenager hasn’t done this in the past.
- Monitor their eating habits. Some drugs cause you to have a loss of appetite. Over time this could lead to considerable weight loss. On the other hand, other drugs cause you to have an increase in appetite. Over time this could lead to considerable weight gain. Monitor your teen’s eating while they are home and ask them about their meals while they are not home.
- Eat family meals together, and ask your teenager what they had for lunch at school.
- Keep in mind that changes in your teen’s eating habits may also indicate a mental health problem, such as an eating disorder. Do not immediately assume that drugs are to blame for the change.
- Keep an eye out for more serious side effects. Extreme drug use can cause neurological disorders, which can lead to shaking, tremors, and even seizures. This is often a sign of using cocaine, amphetamines, or other stimulants. Any impairment is your teenager’s coordination could also be a sign of current drug use or long term side effects.
- Seizures can occur in drug users even without a prior history of seizures. If this happens in your presence, seek medical help immediately.
- Be aware that there are many different types of drugs and the side effects of each type of drug can be very different. For example, if your teen is Spot-Signs-of-Cocaine-Use, then they will exhibit different side effects than someone who Know-if-Your-Teenage-Child-Is-Using-Marijuana or Recognize-the-Signs-of-Meth-Abuse.
- Watch for Deal-with-Somebody-Who-Is-Having-a-Psychotic-Episode as well. Psychosis can be a serious side effect of drug use. If your tee is suffering from psychosis, they may experience delusions, hallucinations, confusion or disturbing thoughts, or a lack of self-awareness.
- Seek emergency medical attention for your child in severe situations. If your teen is showing any signs of physical or emotional distress as a result of drug use, especially neurological signs like seizures, shaking, tremors, or memory impairment, then you need to call 911 or get your child to an emergency room immediately. Medical professionals can evaluate and treat you child, and if your child is on drugs, then they can help you to get help for your child.
Observing Home and School Environments
- Notice any missing or stolen items. You may begin to see a pattern of missing items from your home. You might also notice money being taken from your wallet or purse without your consent. If your teen is desperate for money to purchase more drugs, they might start to steal from you or sell their valuables for cash.
- If you notice money or valuables that are missing from your home, ask your teen if they know where the item went.
- Take inventory of your medicine cabinet. You may start to notice that some of your prescription or over the counter medication is missing. Over the counter medications such as cough syrup can be abused. Prescription medication such as opioids or stimulants can also be abused and are very addictive.
- If someone in your home has been prescribed a commonly abused prescription medication, consider hiding that medication or keeping count of the pills in the container. Some commonly abused prescription medications include opioids, sedatives, and stimulants.
- Lock up your medications if you suspect that your child may be abusing them.
- Check in with the teen’s school. If your teen is doing drugs, their grades are likely to suffer. They may be skipping school, not turning in homework assignments, or simply not focusing during class. Schedule a time to talk with your child’s teachers, school counselor, or coaches to discuss your child’s academic progress.
- Many schools now report grades to parents through a web-based system. Monitor your teen’s grades and attendance closely.
- Notice your teen’s desire for privacy. All teens want respect for their space and privacy. However, if this need for privacy becomes extreme, it may also be a sign of drug use. It should be considered alarming if your teen considers their room “off limits” and refuses to allow you access to their room or personal belongings.
- Your teen’s bedroom is not the only place that may contain clues of drug use. There may also be information on their phone, computer, or in their car.
- Take note if your teen makes sudden “privacy” demands.
- Observe any changes in interest. Your teenager may start to listen to more drug related music. They may wear t-shirts or hang posters on their wall that are related to drugs. If you aren’t familiar with these images or artists, do your research. Their new fascination could be a sign of drug use.
Watching for Changes in Their Behavior
- Observe changes in personality. Your teen may become more aggressive, angry, moody, or even relaxed if they are using drugs. This may be a side effect from the drugs or an after effect from withdrawal if they are addicted and not able to feed their addiction. These personality changes will be over a period of time, not just one day.
- Take note of their friends. Your teen may start to hang out with a new group of friends if they are doing drugs. These friends may also be doing drugs or they may be supplying the drugs to your teen. You might notice that they are not hanging out with their normal group of friends as often or even at all. It is particularly alarming if your teen shows no interest in introducing their new friends to you.
- Talk to any of your teen’s current or previous friends to see if they give you any hints that your teenager may be using drugs.
- Watch for your teen to lie to you. All kids lie to their parents, but if your teen is on drugs they will be excessively deceitful in order to prevent you from finding out about their drug use. Go with your gut feeling. Your natural parental instincts will likely alert you to any lying going on. When you do question whether or not your teen is telling the truth, follow through with uncovering the truth. It is easy to bury your head in the sand because you don’t want to know the truth.
- The teen may lie about who they have been with, where they have been, or what they have been doing.
- Check for changes in energy level. Some drugs could cause your teenager to become very hyper-active and more productive. Other drugs may cause them to be more sleepy, lethargic, and unmotivated. If your child’s sleeping habits have drastically changed, this could be a sign of drug use.
- Trust your instincts. Your instincts are often correct.
- Be present in your child’s life. Attend school functions, know their friends, and stay up to date on their school work.
- Talk to your child frequently and give them a safe space to confide in you.
- You may find that your child is using drugs, despite your capabilities as a parent.
- Drug use can be harmful to your teen’s health and even life threatening.
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- Know if Your Teenage Child Is Using Marijuana
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Sources and Citations
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