Survive a Teenager's First Driving Lesson

A teenager’s first driving lesson is often stressful for both the teenager and the supervising adult, but with a little preparation, the experience can be surprisingly relaxing and enjoyable.


  1. Set realistic goals for the first lesson. Possible goals include learning how to start the car, shift gears, use the accelerator and brakes, and get comfortable turning the car. For a vehicle with a standard transmission, just learning how to start the car and shift gears might be enough for the first lesson.
  2. Before the driving lesson, go for a short drive by yourself. As you start your car and ease onto the road, take notice of all the small steps involved in the driving process: checking mirrors, starting the car, braking, shifting gears, and so forth. Since you'll be teaching the whole detailed process to someone else, it will be useful to remind yourself of all the steps that experienced drivers perform without thinking about them.
  3. Choose an appropriate location for the lesson. The best ones are spacious, out-of-the way places such as easy country roads or parking lots containing few or no cars. The fewer people and obstacles at your location, the better. Drive the teenager to this location before letting him or her take the driver's seat for the lesson.
  4. Make sure the teenager is familiar with the buttons, switches, and gauges on the dashboard. He or she should know where they are and what they do.
  5. Be patient. As you guide the teenager through the steps of driving, remember that he or she is learning a complex skill that will take many hours to master. Sometimes learning to drive can be frustrating, so if tempers flare, bring the lesson to an end to decrease the possibility of an accident. Plan a new lesson for a time when everyone involved is calm.


  • Minimize distractions. Learning how to drive requires intense concentration, so it's best to keep music and phones turned off.

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