Thank God for Every Blessing He Has Given Us
Template:Green</b></i></big></big></big>(Matthew 11:25) Have you thought about thanking the one who gives you "all things" could bring you more blessings, than complaining about less desirable events? How may you believe and (increase faith) to be positioned to receive these greater blessings.
- Ask God for blessings and for answers to prayers, then follow through by going forward in being of service to others, who need and want it. Think about what you can do for the Lord. The Bible says that everyone should thank and praise the Lord at all times. Remember one thing to do -- and that is:
<b><i>"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight."</b></i></big>(Proverbs 3:5) "Strive to go in at the narrow gate... for narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, but few find it..." - Accept the blessings and gifts from God, but after you get what you wanted, don't forget to thank Him.
- Don't overdo it: God doesn't require us to sit in the church all day or on the floor thanking Him, but whenever He blesses with some gift we should say thank you.
- Work on that habit of asking Him for every blessing and every requirement -- but then forgetting to be thankful.
- Don't keep your thanks to the Lord always pending (like you'll get around to it someday...) by forgetting to thank Him each moment.
- Consider that if you don't want to keep your answers pending: that when the Lord satisfies you with any part of what you want or need, then be sure to thank Him immediately, to avoid "lagging-behind" in the future.
- Would you ever like God to keep your petitions, your prayers, and your blessings pending?
- Remember when He has blessed you with so many things in your life, such as the air that you and I are breathing, then you should give your thanks.
- Say three words after your everyday prayer before sleeping: "Thank you, Lord." This will not harm you in anyway; in fact it will bring more and more blessings into your life -- so thank God in all things, not just in the best of times. Try to be in a spirit of thanking Him at every turn, on every step, because there's a great gratitude that we can show to our Father who made us -- as our divine creator.
- If not every moment then at least after your every day prayer like before you go to bed – say, "Thank you, Lord." Those words will add loads and loads of blessings to your life. When a problem arises begin praising in advance, for the answer is already prepared.
- Try to think of something else to be thankful for each day, and say that you are thankful for it in your prayers and praises.
- Even in difficult times, thank God for the opportunity to depend on Him even more.
- The eyes with which you are viewing this are God's blessing -- and the ear with which you are hearing is the Lord's blessing. Everything that we have in our lives is the blessing of the Lord, and so is the grace of the Lord, which He never keeps pending, or in waiting.
- Then why should we keep any of the thanks of which the Lord is worthy pending.
- Deal fairly and be helpful, because "the measure that you measure out will be measured back to you!" especially when you don't expect it...
- Never forget to say thanks to Him; He feels so happy when His children thank Him.
<b><i>Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.</b></i> </big>(Proverbs 3:3)
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Sources and Citations
- Matthew 11:25 -- Jesus prayed this prayer: "O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves to be wise and clever, and for revealing them to those who become as children."
- Proverbs 3:5 -- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight.
- Proverbs 3:3 -- Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.