Think of Fancy Dress Costume Ideas

Do you need some help thinking of fancy dress costume ideas? Have you been invited to a fancy dress party and you need a costume or are you thinking of hosting a fancy dress party and need to think of a theme. This can be easy and affordable if you use some of these tips to help you.


  1. Think of a Theme - this could be a favourite movie, television series, children’s book, cartoon, toy, fairy tale, era in history or anything that you really like. Once you’ve thought of your theme you can think about the characters within that theme. Are there many different characters to make the costumes varied? Will the costumes be easy to re-create? Will everybody know the theme? If you choose a popular theme there will be lots more costumes and accessories available for people to choose from and your party will be more fun.
  2. Make it Affordable - not many people want to go and spend lots of money on a fancy dress costume, as the chances are it will only get worn once, so it’s important to choose a theme that is easy to make affordable costumes for. To make an affordable costume you don’t necessarily have to buy one, you can create your own using your own clothes, borrow items from friends or have a look around the charity shops. Alternatively have a look online for second hand costumes or if you prefer something new look for budget costumes, as there are some fantastic ones out there that don’t cost too much and are ready to wear.
  3. Make it Comfortable - the last thing you want to be at a party is uncomfortable so try your costume on beforehand and make sure it’s comfortable. Dance around at home as if you’re on the dance floor to check out the movement available. If your costume includes a mask also check whether you need to take it off to eat and drink. Think about the venue you’re going to, where it’s situated, how you’ll get there and how warm it will be when you get there. Obviously temperature will also depend on the time of year so think about the season before you plan your costume appropriately.
  4. Make it fun - a fancy dress party should be fun so you might as well make the run up to it fun as well. If you’re going with a partner you could coordinate to wear matching costumes or if you’re going with a group of friends get together before hand and plan your costumes together as a group. If you don’t know anything about the theme of the party watch a movie about it as research or have a wander around a book shop and get some ideas from books or magazines. If you enjoy being creative make your own costume and try it on home before the party to make sure you have all the right accessories. It’s good fun to get ready with friends or family before the party so you can all travel together in your costumes.
  5. Accessorise - accessories are probably the most important part of any fancy dress costume. They can help to make an affordable costume amazing and they can make you feel really in character. You can add accessories to any costume and if you choose the right ones they can help you to stand out from the crowd and look amazing. Accessories really look like you’ve made an effort and paid attention to the detail of your character. You can buy pretty much any accessory online so you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home to create a stunning costume.

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