Tighten Inner Thighs
If your inner thighs are jiggling around more than you would like them to, you can easily incorporate some workouts specifically intended to work the muscles on the innermost parts of your thighs. Using one or a combination of exercises, you can tone and firm your thighs up in no time. The more diligent you are with these exercises, the more you'll notice the difference.
- Do plié squats. Stand and position your feet a little bit wider than shoulder width apart.
- Try to keep your knees behind your toes as you bend into the squat.
- Squeeze your butt to keep a tight, controlled form to your squat.
- To add some dimension to this workout, gently bounce at the bottom of the squat for the last 20 seconds of the workout. Instead of extending your legs completely straight after reaching the bottom of the squat, keep your knees bent, and pulse up and down.
Turn both of your feet out slightly (approximately a 30-60 degree angle), so you look like a ballerina. Raise your arms out in front of you at shoulder height, and bend your knees to begin to squat. Try to get low enough into the squat that your knees are bent at a 90° right angle. Keep your back straight as you lower into the squat. Do these squats for about 1 minute. You can do as many repetitions as you like.
- Do cossack squats. Stand and spread your feet out wider than shoulder width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides.
- Do this same Cossack squat on your opposite leg to complete one full rep.
- Complete 2 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 reps on both of your legs.
Your legs up to your groin should look like a wide triangle. Squat as deep as you can going one direction, and keep your other leg straight and turn your toes to point upward. For example, if you squat to the right, your right knee will bend as you keep your left leg straight and turn your left foot to point your toes up. As you squat, raise your arms out in front of you at shoulder height and slightly lean your torso forward for additional stability. Extend and straighten out your squatting leg to return to the starting position.
- Try single leg squats. Stand upright with your feet together and your arms relaxed at your sides. Shift your body weight onto one of your feet, and touch the toes of your opposite foot next to the foot holding your body weight.
- Complete this exercise by squatting down on both of your legs, doing approximately
- You could also use a wall to hold onto and maintain stability as you squat.
Push your hips back to slowly bend at your hips and knees, and squat down onto your one leg that is maintaining your body weight. Raise your other leg out in front of you, trying to keep it as straight as possible. As you squat, raise your arms out in front of you at about shoulder height for balance. Stop the squat when your squatting leg’s thigh is nearly parallel to the ground. Then press through your squatting leg’s heel to return back to your starting position. Keep your back straight and your abs tight as you perform this squat.
- Try plyometric jumping squats. Get into a typical squatting position, with your feet about shoulder width apart, and your toes slightly turned out. Your knees should be bent at a 90° right angle.
- This exercise can also be done in a plié squatting position.
- Keep your weight back on your heels rather than on your toes.
- Do this plyometric squat jump in 3 sets of 8 reps.
As you squat down, raise your arms out in front of you and bend them at the elbows. From this squatting position, jump and explode up, throwing your hands down and back as you jump. After you jump, land back in your squatting position as softly as you can, bending your knees as you come down. .
- Do forward lunges. Stand straight up with your feet about hip length apart.
- This functional exercise works not only your inner thighs but also your hamstrings, quadriceps, abs, calves, and glutes.
- You can also hold onto weights to increase the intensity of this exercise.
- Consider doing this exercise in 3 sets of 10 for both of your legs.
Take a large step (about 3 feet) forward with one of your legs, and dip down your back knee into a lunge. Lunge until your front thigh is nearly parallel with the ground. Keep your back knee off the ground as you lunge. Push off of your forward foot to come back into your starting position.
- Try forward lunges into single leg dead lifts. Begin this workout by lunging as usual: Take a forward step with one of your feet, and dip your back knee down until your front thigh is parallel with the ground. Keep your arms relaxed at your sides. Instead of pushing off your forward foot to come back to your starting position, you are going to shift all of your weight onto your front foot and stand up, keeping your other leg (that was previously back) up and bent at the knee.
- Complete 2–4 sets of 8–12 reps. Give yourself about 45 seconds to rest in between each set.
- As you are in the deadlift position, you goal should be to make a straight line extending from your crown to your heel.
From there, straighten your hanging leg backward and you lean forward as you slightly bend your balancing leg and hinge at your hip. Swing your straighten leg forward, and immediately go into a lunge with that foot forward. From that lunge, repeat this process using your opposite leg to complete one full rep.
- Do side lunges. Stand up straight with your feet together. Take a big step out to one side of your body keeping your torso facing forward and your squatting side foot facing outward a bit.
- To increase the intensity of this workout, hold onto a dumbbell or kettlebell as you lunge.
- Complete about 2 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
Push your hips back as your lunge to help keep your body posture correct with your back straight and knees over your toes. Lunge until your squatting leg’s thigh is parallel with the ground. Pause for a moment, and then push off your lunging foot and squeeze your thigh muscles to come back to your starting position. Do this exercise with both legs lunging out to the sides.
Exercising on The Floor
- Do lying hip adductions. Lay down on a workout mat, on one side of your body. Use your elbow to prop your upper body. Bend your top leg (furthest from the mat) so your foot is flat on the floor and your shin is positioned straight up and down. Keep your lower leg straight, and flex your foot back so your toes are pointing away from your body.
- Do these hip adductions on both sides of your body for the complete workout.
- Complete 2 sets, doing about 10-20 reps for each leg.
Lift your straightened leg about 6–8 inches off the ground and bring it back down to hover over the ground.
- Try some hip bridges. Lay down flat on your back on a workout mat. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. In between your knees, place a rolled up towel or smaller workout ball.
- To complete this exercise, do 10 reps for at least 1 set. Feel free to do more sets if you like.
Keep your hands flat on the floor and squeeze the towel/exercise ball as you contract your muscles and raise your butt up off the mat. Keep your hips and butt inline with your knees (to create a straight line) and slowly lower your butt back down to the mat.
Using Exercise Equipment
- Use an adductor machine. If you are able to use exercise equipment in a gym or workout facility, an adductor machine is great for working your inner thighs. Adductor machines can add a bit of variety into your workout routine. Sit in the seat of the machine, and place your inner thighs on the outside paddings.
- Beginners should begin with small amounts of weight. As you gain muscle, you can add more weight.
- Consider doing about 3 sets of 8–10.
Your legs will be starting in an open position. Adjust the machine settings to set your starting degree of opening, and add any weight. Tighten your abs and make sure your back is flush against the seat back as you flex your legs and thighs to bring your knees together in the center. Once you reach both legs to the center, slowly open your legs back up to the starting position.
- Use a fitness band or cable. Cable machines are readily available at workout facilities or gyms. However, if you don’t have a gym membership, the same resistance results can be found using a fitness band to carry out the identical mechanics. If you’re using a cable machine, attach the cable around your innermost ankle (closest to the machine) and adjust the added weight settings. If you’re using a fitness band, wrap the band around something immobile (like the leg of a table) and then attach the band around your innermost leg (closest to the table leg).
- Keep the center of your body straight and your core muscles tightened as you pull your leg past your body’s midline.
- Complete approximately 3 sets of 10 reps on both of your legs.
Put all of your weight on the foot furthest from the table or machine. Flex your foot up that the cable or band is attached to, and pull your leg across the midline of your body, past your weight bearing foot. Let the cable or band travel in front of your weight bearing foot. Then slowly bring your foot back into your starting position. Each time you come back to your starting position, is one rep. Do this on both legs to complete this exercise.
- Use an exercise ball. Stand on one leg and fully extend your other leg to prop the side of your foot on top of the exercise ball.
- As you do this exercise, do not lead with a squat. Rather, have your other leg that is propped up on the ball lead the roll, and your squatting leg will follow. This will ensure that you are working your intended thigh muscles.
- Do approximately 2 sets of 10–15 on both legs.
Keep your body facing forward as you find balance on the ball. With the foot that is on top of the ball, push and roll the ball away from your body. As you push, your other weight bearing leg will have to bend at the knee to accommodate the movement. Do this movement on both legs to complete the workout.
- Do scissor planks. Start in a plank position on a smooth floor surface. For this plank position, your hands will be on the ground rather than your elbows, and your feet will be starting together. Make sure your shoulders are over your hands. Place each of your feet underneath a gliding disc. Keep your upper body steady and slide your feet outward and apart from each other.
- Complete 2 sets of 15 reps, making sure to rest in between the sets as you need.
- Alternatively, you could use dishrags, washcloths, or paper plates to serve as gliding discs.
Open up your legs as wide as you can. Hold your legs in their open position, then slide your legs back together by squeezing your thigh muscles.
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Sources and Citations
- Videos provided by Rebecca-Louise
- ↑ http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/thighs/exercises/top-thigh-exercises/?page=8
- http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/thighs/exercises/top-thigh-exercises/?page=8
- ↑ http://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/best-inner-thigh-exercises-all-time
- ↑ http://www.muscleandfitness.com/muscle-fitness-hers/hers-workouts/5-home-exercises-your-thighs/slide/6
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pG2L1Z7IzA
- ↑ http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/thighs/exercises/top-thigh-exercises/?page=3
- http://www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au/fitness/workouts/1634-6-exercises-for-inner-thighs?showall=&start=5
- ↑ http://www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au/fitness/workouts/1634-6-exercises-for-inner-thighs?showall=&start=1
- http://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/best-inner-thigh-exercises-all-time
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g_w2wl5Tdk
- http://life.gaiam.com/article/7-workouts-tone-your-inner-thighs
- ↑ http://www.prevention.com/fitness/moves-tone-inner-thighs
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0VGANa91HM
- ↑ http://lushiouslifts.com/tighten-tone-your-inner-thighs/