Track Your Gas Mileage With FuelFrog

Fuel Frog is a website that you can use to calculate your vehicle's average gas mileage. You can even use Twitter to share your statistics. Read on to learn how.


  1. Go to FuelFrog to sign up for a free account.
  2. Go to the next page. It will take you to your FuelFrog dashboard. This is where you can enter in the information on the website. It works best if you can enter two or three fill-ups.
  3. Enter in the information. The default date is today's date, but it is very easy to find another date.
    • Here is the dashboard after you have put in your first entry.
  4. Watch the history. After you have entered in data a couple of times, you will start to get a graph. This will let you know how your car is doing as far as gas mileage goes.
  5. Export the data to your spreadsheet program. Click on Records and this will take you to your historical data that you can use in a spreadsheet program.
  6. Twitter your information. You can do this by, first, following FuelFrog. Then enter in the data for a tweet in the following format:
    • @fuelfrog 281.3 2.839 8.946
      • This represents your mileage, cost per gallon and the amount of gas you purchased.

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