Treat Low Blood Pressure Naturally
Blood pressure is a very important calculation of your overall health. If your blood pressure numbers are too high or low, it can mean serious problems for your body. If your blood pressure numbers are too high, you might be at risk for diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. If it is too low, you might feel dizzy, confused, and have trouble concentrating on even the most menial of tasks. Here is a quick guide on how to keep your blood pressure at a consistent level, using no medication!
Checking Your Blood Pressure
- Know the numbers and what they mean. When checking your blood pressure, the systolic (top number) should be around 120, and the diastolic (bottom number) should be around 80.
- Systolic blood pressure measures the pressure that is exerted on the arteries by the force of your blood being pushed through by your heart.
- Diastolic blood pressure measures the pressure that exists in your arteries when your heart rests between beats.
- Keep in mind that everyone's bodies are different, so there will be some fluctuation. However, blood pressure numbers should be kept as close to these averages as possible.
- Consult with your doctor. Generally, people start having their blood pressure checked regularly by their doctors as children. This means that you are more likely to catch a problem with blood pressure early on, which is good because high and low blood pressure often have no symptoms until the problem is very advanced.
- Check your blood pressure using a machine. Many local drug stores and pharmacies have machines that you can put your arm in that will test your blood pressure for you for free.
- However, some experts claim that these measurements are only accurate for people with average sized arms. So it is still best to check with a doctor if you are worried about your blood pressure.
- Buy a blood pressure monitor. These are available from nearly every pharmacy or supermarket, and can cost as little as $20. These devices are a great way to keep track of your blood pressure numbers from the comfort of your own home.
Treating Low Blood Pressure Naturally
- Know what constitutes low blood pressure. Typically a reading of 90 (systolic) over 60 (diastolic) that is sustained over time is considered low blood pressure and should be treated.
- Low blood pressure is not generally an indicator of a problem unless it gets too low. In fact, people strive for lower blood pressure. So, if your blood pressure is a bit low, don't be alarmed until your doctor tells you it is a problem.
- If you and your doctor decide that your low blood pressure needs to be treated, try some of the following natural methods.
- Increase your salt intake. Though most doctors recommend that people limit their salt intake because it can raise blood pressure,
- Make sure you consult with your doctor before significantly raising your sodium intake because excess sodium can lead to heart failure, especially in older adults.
- If you do start increasing your sodium intake to raise your blood pressure, make sure you continue monitoring your blood pressure numbers over time using one of the previously discussed methods (regular doctor visits, using a home blood pressure monitoring cuff, or using a blood pressure machine in a drug store or pharmacy).
this can be a good thing for people with low blood pressure.
- Drink more water. Drinking water is good for everyone, but it can help raise your blood pressure if it is too low.
- There aren't any possible negative side effects from drinking more water. So, even if drinking more water doesn't end up working to raise your blood pressure, it will still help your body become more healthy overall.
- Wear compression stockings. These special socks can help lower blood pressure by reducing the pooling of blood in your legs.
- There are few negative side effects for wearing compression socks, if worn properly. However, if you wear stockings that are too tight or keep them on for too long, they can damage the skin that they come into contact with.
- Maintain a healthy diet. Eat a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean chicken or fish. This step can be beneficial for everyone, not just those who have low blood pressure. But it is an effective way to ensure that the arteries get all the nutrients they need.
- Eat smaller portions more frequently. Eating smaller meals more often during the day can help prevent your blood pressure from dropping quickly after meals.
- Try to eat low-carb meals.
- Know when to get help. If you attempt to lower your blood pressure naturally using one of these methods and there is no change in the numbers over a period of several months, make sure you consult with your doctor as it may be time to consider medication as a possibility.
- Avoid having too much fat (saturated) and sugar in your diet. These can cause your blood pressure to spike and reduce suddenly, leading to periods of dizziness and exhaustion.
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