Turn a Player Into a Man Who Can Commit to You

This is an impossible task - but this article will let the request the know - how to play a player - so that you do not get hurt!


  1. Never ask where they were! This makes them feel important and like while they were out of your presence all you thought of was them.
  2. If sex is the reason that you like them - avoid intercourse to avoid pregnancy! Never use a child to keep a man!
  3. Do not call them!
  4. Continue to talk to other guys but commit to only being intimate with your "player" even if you know they are sleeping with other chicks.
  5. Make a one sided commitment in your mind if you truly love them and accept the fact that they are gonna do what they do.
    • The more you try and control them - the more you will feel hostile and resentful and hurt. The goal is to avoid getting hurt by not allowing them to control your emotions.

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