Uninstall Internet Explorer 9

If you want to uninstall Internet Explorer 9, it only takes a few minutes, no matter which version of Windows you're running. Uninstalling the program will restore the previous version of Internet Explorer, so you won't have to download it again. If you want to know how to uninstall Internet Explorer 9 and make sure that you're running an earlier version of the web browser, just follow these steps.


  1. Click the Start menu. You can find it on the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. This works for Windows 7/Vista/XP -- if you have Windows 8, however, then you won't have a Start Menu. In that case, just press Windows key + X and select "Programs and Features." Then follow Step 3 onward.
  2. Type "Programs and Features" in the search box. Wait for the correct option to come up.
  3. Click "View installed updates." You should find this option in the left pane. Because Internet Explorer is installed as a Windows Update, it will not appear as a separate application. Therefore, it won't be found in the Control Panel's Programs/Programs and Features list.
  4. Scroll down until you find the "Microsoft Windows" section. You should find it under "Uninstall an update."
    • You can also simply search for "Explorer" in the Control Panel's search box on the top right-hand side. Internet Explorer should show up as the only available entry.
  5. Right-click on the Windows Internet Explorer 9 icon and select "Uninstall" from the menu. This will prepare you to uninstall the program from your computer. Note that you can't actually uninstall Internet Explorer from your computer, but you can revert to the old version and keep it from automatically updating.
  6. Click "Yes." Select this option when you're asked if you'd like to uninstall the program.
  7. Click "Restart Now." This will finalize the uninstallation process, and your computer will return to using the previously installed version of Internet Explorer.
    • If you do not wish to restart your computer immediately, you can click "Restart Later." However the uninstallation process won't be finished until you restart or shut down your computer.

Checking that You've Successfully Uninstalled Internet Explorer 9

  1. Click on the "Help" menu on your Internet Explorer browser. You can find this option on the top right of the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  2. Check to see which version you're running. If you're working with Internet Explorer 8, then the second option from the drop-down menu will say, "About Internet Explorer 8," for example. This will let you know that you're no longer using that pesky Internet Explorer 9.


  • Do not install a previous version of Internet Explorer after you uninstall version 9. Your computer will automatically revert back to an older version that you can use.
  • Use this same uninstallation process for Windows Vista. However, Internet Explorer 8 and 9 will both appear on the "Programs and Features" list in Vista.

Sources and Citations