Uninstall Winzip Driver Updater
If you had an unsatisfied experience of Winzip Driver Updater, you should be able to remove it plus other bloatware that's been installed by following the steps below.
- First of all, you need to save your personal info then exit the Updater properly: hit Close on the main platform >> choose Quit option from the "Before closing Winzip Driver Updater" dialog box above.
- Then you try the outlined 3 options below to perform the uninstall of Winzip Driver Updater:
- Click Windows' Start button >> select All Programs >> enter the "WinZip Driver Updater" folder on the menu >> run "Uninstall Winzip Driver Updater".
- Go to Control Panel on your computer's start menu >> hit "Add/Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" in it >> look for the unwanted Winzip Driver Updater (v1.0), launch Uninstall option. Furthermore, you remove the sponsored AVG SafeGuard Toolbar later if you do not want to keep it, either.
- Find out Winzip's installation folder >> run the "unins000" (Setup/Uninstall) application in the location above.
- For Windows 8, Windows 7 or Vista users, you need to gain Admin rights to let UAC run the aforementioned unins000.exe.
- To continue the standard uninstall procedure, please choose "Uninstall" option from the "Driver Updater" window above.
- Then click Yes button on the "WinZip Driver Updater Uninstall" window.
- Please wait while the uninstall is in progress.
- Press OK to exit that Winzip's Uninstall wizard. Save and reboot your computer.
- Please note the aforesaid AVG SafeGuard toolbar can be installed if you choose the "Standard Installation" option for Winzip's Driver Updater software.