Use Bookmarks in Google Chrome

Whether bookmarking favorite sites you visit frequently, or obscure and quirky sites you just want to know you can find again with ease, using (and removing) bookmarks within Google Chrome is simple. This tutorial explains exactly how to use bookmarks in the popular Google Chrome browser.


Adding Bookmarks

  1. Open up the page you want to add a bookmark to.
  2. Find the star in the URL box.
  3. Click the star. A box should pop up.
  4. Choose a name for the bookmark. Leaving it blank will only show the icon for the site.
  5. Choose what folder to keep it in. Click the Folder field to select an alternative folder, if desired. Adding it to Bookmarks Bar will add it to a grey bar that you'll see at the New Tab page.
  6. Click Done when you're done. Don't worry––if you want to change the settings, you can do it later.

Editing Bookmarks

  1. Visit the page that has the bookmark you would like to edit.
  2. Click the golden star in the top right corner (in URL bar).
  3. Change anything you need to. For advanced editing, go to Edit.
  4. Click Done when finished.

Removing Bookmarks

  1. Visit the page that has the bookmark you would like to delete.
  2. Click the star.
  3. Click Remove which is located in the top right corner of the box.

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