Use Yummly

Yummly is an easy way to view recipes that conform to your personal wishes, needs, and tastes. The site draws on existing recipe sites on the internet (AllRecipes, Food Network, Martha Stewart, Epicurious, etc.) to combine the results in a way that you have indicated best suits your own needs.


  1. Join Yummly. You can join following the prompts from the "Register" button on the front page - Or you can simply sign in using your Facebook details.
  2. Configure your preferences. Once you're joined up, you can set a large range of preferences under the "Favorite Recipes" tab as follows:
    • Ingredients
    • Taste (sweet, sour, bitter, etc.)
    • Cuisines
    • Courses
    • Time and Price
    • Nutrition, Diets, and Allergies
    • Favorites and Sources (this lists set recipe sites for you to select)
    • Choose whether or not you want your FoodFinder searches restricted to your preferences.
  3. Select the tastes that you like and don't like. Under "Taste Preferences" tab, you can add in your "Likes and dislikes". Simply start writing in your favorites and your dislikes, and the auto-prompt will make lots of suggestions for you to choose from. This is useful for both finding suitable recipes and for connecting with others with similar likes.
  4. Find "Tastebuds". A play on words, this refers to people you'd like to be friends with on the site, perhaps people with similar tastes! Simply click on the tab "Tastebuds". Once here, you can invite or browse for friends.
    • If you want to search for people already on the site with similar tastes, be sure to have checked your favorite tastes in your profile. Once done, you can "browse people with similar profiles" from the highlighted links; simply click on the links and see who turns up.
    • If you've joined via Facebook, your friends' list will pop up when you are looking for friends. Simply invite the people you'd like to share the site with.
    • Alternately, you can check out the people whose profiles pop up on the right hand side. You can select them by the amount of times they have been "tastebudded", by photos, or by recipes. Compare their "similarity to you" and choose away.
  5. Find recipes. Once your preferences are in place, you can start hunting for recipes. Simply click on the "Recipes" tab at the top right hand corner and you will be taken to the "FoodFinder" search tool. You can either let it find recipes for you based simply on your preferences, or you can type in an ingredient and see what returns come back. For example, keying in "strawberry" returns the recipes shown in the image below.
  6. Alter a recipe. If the recipe doesn't have the right quantities or nutritional value, have Yummly change the quantities or substitute ingredients for you. Click on the "Edit/Substitutions" tab and you will able to change the amount and the ingredients. Change the ingredients (a list of suggestions will pop up, for example, raspberries instead of strawberries, and you can modify the amounts for more or less diners. Click on "Save" and the modified recipe will now show.
    • Once you alter a recipe, it will show up as you being its creator.
    • If you don't like your new creation, simply click on the tab "Original recipe", located in the left hand corner.

  7. Make the most of the stats. Alongside each recipe are the nutritional stats and the price per serve. For those on a budget or health-conscious diet, this is a really useful way to tell whether or not your recipe is suitable, or needs adjusting to decrease the cost or unhealthy content.
  8. Import your own recipes. You can click on "Import recipes" to draw in your favorite recipes and to form a collection.
  9. Make recommendations. Click on "Recommendations" under your user name and the recommendations page will open. Here you can rate your favorite recipe finds (click on the stars from 1 to 5), or you can simply rate them as you find them through FoodFinder, after trying them.


  • You can quickly see the values of each recipe in the right hand box that appears with each recipe returned.
  • Recipes can be printed if wished; click on the "Print" button.
  • You can share recipes with friends on Facebook; just click the "Share" button. And the "Like" button is also available.
  • Similar recipes will be suggested next to the recipe that you're currently looking at. Click on them to navigate to the new recipe.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet

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Sources and Citations