Work Your Lower Back

Lower back muscles are responsible for supporting the weight burden of your torso and upper body. These muscles include the extensor, flexor and oblique muscles, as well as the transverse abdominal muscle that wraps around your abdomen toward your lower back. Lower back exercises should focus on increasing both the strength and the endurance of your muscles so they can support your spine and allow you to maintain good posture. Developing a lower back workout routine may also alleviate or prevent back pain.


Strengthening Your Lower Back With Stretching Exercises

  1. Train your transverse abdominal muscle. Performing this exercise requires you to tense and hold your transverse abdominal muscle. Repeating this exercise three times daily will help you develop strength in this important region of your abdomen.
    • Slowly pull your belly button in toward your spine while breathing normally.
    • Ensure your rib cage muscles remain relaxed.
    • You should be able to feel your muscle contracting if you press down upon your abdomen about an inch above your pelvic bone.
    • Hold this muscle at about one-third of its maximum point of contraction for as long as possible.
    • You may perform this exercise while undertaking other daily activities — walking, for example, or sitting at your desk.[1]
  2. Perform knee tucks. This exercise is performed while lying on your back with your knees bent and both feet flat on the floor. Do this exercise twice a day for maximum results.
    • Using both hands, pull one knee up to your chest and hold it in place for 15 to 30 seconds.
    • Return to the starting position and then repeat with your other knee.
    • Next, return to the starting position and then pull up both knees to your chest at the same time.
    • Repeat each stretch two to three times.[2]
  3. Twist your knees from side to side while lying on your back. This exercise stretches and tones the muscles running along the sides of your lower back. It may also be performed twice a day.
    • Start on your back, with your knees bent and feet flat against the floor.
    • Roll your bent knees to one side while keeping your shoulders firmly positioned against the floor. Hold this stretch for five to 10 seconds.
    • Return to your original position, then roll your knees to the other side.
    • Repeat each stretch two to three times.[3]
  4. Perform pelvic tilts. This exercise should be performed daily. Plan to begin with five repetitions, but set a goal of eventually working up to 30.
    • Lay on the floor with your knees bent. Place your hands parallel to your body on the floor.
    • Contract your abdominal muscles.
    • Exhale as you tilt your pubic bone down toward your feet. Your back should arch. Hold this position for five seconds.
    • Inhale as you tilt your pubic bone in the opposite direction, so your pubic bone is pointing upward toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 seconds.[4]
  5. Create a bridge. This exercise can also be performed daily. Plan to begin with five repetitions and eventually build up to 30.
    • Lay on the floor with your knees bent and arms placed parallel to your body on either side.
    • Contract your abdominal and gluteal muscles.
    • Exhale and slowly raise your hips toward the ceiling until there is a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
    • Hold this position for three breaths, or approximately six seconds.
    • Inhale and slowly lower your hips to the floor.[5]
  6. Imitate a cat (or a camel). You'll start this exercise on your hands and knees. Perform this exercise twice daily for best results.
    • While on your hands and knees, let your midsection slowly sag toward the floor.
    • Next, arch your back toward the ceiling — just like a cat, or the hump of a camel.
    • Repeat three to five times at first. Over time, you may work up to fifteen repetitions.[6][7]
  7. Complete seated twists. You perform this exercise from a seated position. Perform this exercise twice a day.
    • Cross your right leg over your left leg.
    • Brace your left elbow against the outside of your right knee, then twist and stretch toward your right side and hold for ten seconds.
    • Return to your original position, then cross your left leg over your right and repeat in the opposite direction.[8]
  8. Execute opposite arm and leg raises. This exercise requires you to lay face down on the floor with your arms extended over your head.
    • Simultaneously raise your left leg and right arm while keeping your knee and elbow straight.
    • Hold for two seconds, then return to your starting position.
    • Repeat using your right leg and left arm.
    • Perform this exercise ten times for each arm-leg combination.[1]
  9. Undertake "bird dogs." This exercise is performed on your hands and knees. Repeat this exercise 25 times, or see how many repetitions you can perform well in a minute.
    • While on hands and knees with your abdominal muscles flexed, exhale and raise your right leg behind you so it extends straight out from your back.
    • Keep your hips level at all times. Only raise your leg until it is at even height with your back and hips.
    • Hold for five seconds, then inhale and slowly lower your leg.
    • Repeat exercise using your other leg.[7]
  10. Train with resistance bands. Perform this exercise from a standing or kneeling position, keeping your back straight and holding an exercise band attached to a surface level and even with your belly button.
    • Slowly rotate your body toward one side, keeping your arms and back straight as the band's resistance increases.
    • Return to your original position, then stretch the opposite direction.
    • Perform three sets of ten repetitions.[1]

Utilizing More Difficult Exercises and Incorporating Weights

  1. Pretend you are Superman. This strengthening exercise requires you to lay face down on the floor with your arms extended over your head.
    • While keeping your knees and elbows straight, raise both arms and both legs above the level of your head.
    • Hold for two seconds, then return slowly to the starting position.
    • Perform three sets of ten repetitions.[1]
  2. Construct a plank. Plank exercises can be difficult, so plan to work up from just a few seconds holding this position to "planking" for up to a minute.
    • From a face-down prone position, prop yourself up on your forearms and toes.
    • Keep your abdominals tight and your back completely straight.
    • Hold your position without moving.
    • Perform three "planks" of up to 20 seconds apiece. Aim to work up to 60-second intervals.[7]
  3. Execute "Good Mornings." Place a bar with sufficient weight on a rack that best matches your height, then undertake two to three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions. This can also be done with a dumbbell held behind your head.
    • Step under the bar and place it across your shoulders, slightly below your neck.
    • Hold onto the bar with your hands positioned a comfortable distance outside your shoulders for maximum stability.
    • Lift the bar by pushing with your legs and then straightening your torso.
    • Step away from the rack and set your legs in a medium, shoulder width stance.
    • Keep your head up and your back straight at all times.
    • Lower your torso forward until it is parallel with the floor.
    • Elevate and return torso to your starting position.[9]
  4. Perform deficit deadlifts. This lift is performed from a "deficit" position because you begin by standing on a one- to five-inch platform. Perform three sets of ten to twelve repetitions.
    • Stand on the platform with your feet hip-width apart.
    • Bend at the hip to grab the bar of your weight at shoulder width, letting your shoulder blades contract.
    • Lower your hips and bend your knees until your shins touch the bar.
    • Look up, keeping your chest and back arched, and begin driving through your heels to move the weight you're lifting upward.
    • After the bar passes your knees, aggressively pull it back, bringing your shoulder blades together as you thrust your hips forward into the bar.
    • Lower the bar by bending your hips and guiding it toward the floor.[10]

Improving Your Cardiovascular Fitness

  1. Understand the benefits of cardiovascular fitness. Cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise may not seem as relevant when you're focused upon strengthening the muscles of your lower back, but strength and cardiovascular training work in tandem to improve the condition of your body's core.
    • Regular cardiovascular exercise both prevents the onset of back pain and lessens pain symptoms if they do arise.
    • People coping with back pain are much more likely to be able to maintain normal, functional lives if they maintain a low-impact cardiovascular exercise regimen.
    • Cardiovascular exercise helps you lose weight, which reduces strain upon your back muscles.
    • The endorphins you produce when you exercise operate as a pain reliever.[11]
  2. Adopt a low-impact aerobic fitness routine. Walking, stationary biking, and swimming can all strengthen the muscles in your lower back without straining your muscles.
    • If you are already coping with back pain, consider seeking exercise classes that combine strengthening exercises with swimming.[12]
  3. Consider adding yoga, tai chi, or chi kung exercises to your fitness regimen. These low-impact practices combine movement with meditation. The goal of each is to achieve both mental and physical balance. They can be useful coping mechanisms if you do have back pain, and the fluid stretching motions incorporated into each will improve your strength and endurance.[12]


  • Consult your doctor before beginning a new fitness regimen.

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