Write a Letter of Interest
A letter of interest can serve many purposes, but above all it must demonstrate your interest in a certain area. This can range from a position at a company to a house you want to buy. No matter what it is, a letter of interest is a great way to show that you are qualified for whatever it is you want and that you are committed to following through on it.
For a Job
- Think about skills you possess that you will be able to use at this new job. Some of these should already be listed on your resumé, but in your letter of interest you'll want to emphasize everything that you can possibly bring to the table.
- Explain your purpose immediately upon beginning your letter. Tell your reader how you became aware of the job opening and express your desire to fill it. Keep it short and sweet—this reader may have already seen dozens of letters of interest that day, and you don't want to bore them.
- Go into your qualifications. This is where your skill set comes in to play. Talk about your work experience as pertaining to this new job, or if you don't have any relevant work experience, talk about qualities you have that make you a good worker (e.g. diligent, cooperative, or resourceful).
- End your letter with a thank you and a sincere valediction. Include your contact information, too, so your future employer can let you know about the position via their preferred method.
For a Promotion
- As with a letter of interest for a brand new job, you'll want to start by contemplating your skill set. Your employer should already know your past work experience, but this is a great time to remind them of anything they might have forgotten and to bring up any new skills you've attained by working for them.
- Begin with the interest you have in this new position. If you have anything in particular that would help you stand out, now is the time to mention it.
- Now go into your qualifications. Take your employer through a history of your time at your current job and remind them of your recent accomplishments.
- Finish up by restating your loyalty to your employer and thanking them for their time.
For a House
- State your interest in buying, leasing, or renting the house in question. Elaborate briefly upon how you heard about the listing, then make an offer. If you're not yet sure how much you want to spend, put a range. Alternately, if you are willing to spend any amount of money to purchase this house, simply inquire as to how much the seller is asking.
- Propose an initial deposit and a method of payment. You might also want to ask to inspect the property, especially if you have only seen it once or twice or you suspect that it might be in need of repairs.
- If you are considering more than one house for purchase, close with the clarification that this letter is not legally binding. Keep a copy of this for yourself just in case.
For College or Grad School
- Do your research. Look through the course catalog, go to the official website, and talk to other people who have attended this college. If you already know everything about your college and its department in your area of interest, proceed to the next step.
- Start your letter by expressing interest in the school's general mission statement. From there, branch out into more specific details about the school (this is where your research comes in handy).
- Transition into why you are a perfect prospective student for this college. This is the time to bring up academic achievements, awards, and other milestones in your life. If you participate in any extracurriculars, you should also mention those at this time.
- Conclude strongly. Restate your interest once more and, if this is truly a formal letter, thank your reader for their time.
For a Financial Grant
- Make sure you are familiar with the guidelines for applying. This grant might only be available for a certain type of organization, or the application might have to be in a certain type of format. In any case, you'll want to know the rules backwards and forwards before you write your letter.
- Introduce your proposal with a brief description of how you plan to use the grant. The more specific these plans are, the better. After this, talk about your organization and what your short-term and long-term objectives are, incorporating whatever project it is on which you want to spend the grant.
- Summarize your proposal and make your final points. Sign it sincerely and include your contact information, including other representatives of your organization if you like.
Sample Letters of Interest for a Promotion
Doc:Letter of Interest for Promotion,Letter of Interest for Promotion Template
Sample Letters of Interest for a House
Doc:Template Letter of Interest for House,Letter of Interest for House
Sample Letters of Interest for Work
Doc:Letter of Intent for Business,Letter of Intent for Job,Letter of Intent for Graduate Program
- Follow up! If it's been awhile since you've written your letter and you still haven't received a reply, send a quick note to let them know that you're still interested.
- Keep your tone enthusiastic yet professional. It's a letter of interest, but if you get too carried away you might put off the reader and miss out on this opportunity.
- Don't forget an appropriate header with the date and a "Dear [whoever you are addressing]" at the top.
- No matter what kind of letter you're writing, send it in for consideration as soon as possible—sometimes it's just a matter of timing.
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