Write a Letter of Interest for a Job in Another Team Within the Same Company

Exploring a new opportunity is a wonderful thing and more than that! What makes you go there is very important too.


  1. Discuss the matter with your line manager. There may be company policies in place that prohibits internal expressions of interest or procedures that you are required to follow. It may not be easy, but you have to talk with your immediate supervisor about this. 
  2. You need to finish all your work and maintain the excellent track of work for the past few weeks or months at least (depends on your normal work nature).
  3. Don't fight with them. Just put the kind word's first, 4. Keep doing the good work in current team as well 5. If nothing works...slowly ask for one on one with your super boss, tell him or her that your records are excellent, And you would like to move to another team. Since you have more interest on that process (don't tell a personal reason) and you can excel in anything as well there.
  4. Hi, I believe that you work in a company but are not sure what kind of company is it. But how ever, you would like to move to a different team right? Here is few tips.
  5. Don't be worried too much. Once discussion is over calm yourself.


  • Dont tell you're fellow employees a reason or excuse if your boss is not very understanding or friendly. *Even if the response is negative at the beginning, always be patient.