Write an Article for a Job

Writing an article is never easy, but especially not when your boss is the one who will be reading it and perhaps judging your suitability for a role in the company. The best way to get around this challenging task is by making sure you keep within the company interests and show the services, goods or other angle in its best possible light.


Writing an article about the workplace

This method relates to the situation where the boss has asked you to write about the company, whether it's to show what you know for the purposes of a promotion or to prove that you're a good fit for the company and know how to scout information accurately.

  1. Know the scope of the company. You will need to know what the company stands for and how you can interest other people in what your company has to offer.
    • What does the company stand for what are its interests and goals?
    • What is the main idea by which the company functions on daily basis.
  2. Get in contact with other people as part of your research into the topic of the article. Make sure that you know the topic well and have asked all the questions you need to write the article successfully.
    • Use the website and internet searches to help you to gather together more information about the company.
  3. Start jotting down notes anything that comes to your mind. Do not be afraid to put wrong ideas down. Brainstorming is an important part of the process.
  4. Create good content. Now that you have all the information, begin writing. The article should agree with the company's philosophy and your boss (or soon-to-be boss). Do not try to outsmart your boss or think differently. Make sure you write things as they are and do not come up with bizarre ideas and numbers that do not fit the workplace. Write clearly and to the point.
  5. Come up with a headline that will catch the reader's attention and impress your boss.
  6. Check that you follow the rules and regulations of the workplace. In anything you have written, you do not want to you offend any co-workers or your boss.
  7. Conclude the article based on the facts and numbers provided.
  8. Re-read, correct, re-read again. Add images, if appropriate.
  9. Send to your boss for feedback.

Writing an article to prove you can write

This method relates to when you are trying to impress a new boss with your writing skills, in order to get a job as an editor, writer, blogger, social media author, and so forth.

  1. Ask what the parameters of the article are. For example, you should be aware of:
    • Any topic restrictions
    • Length restrictions
    • Styles expected
    • Specific elements to be demonstrated.
  2. Write the article according to the parameters provided. Do not deviate too much but try to use an original voice and style, in order to prove why you're different from all the others seeking the job too. Use your best possible writing, giving yourself the time and space to create a really good piece of writing.
    • If there are no parameters, this is a test in and of itself. In this case, be sensible about length and topic. Don't write too much and avoid controversial topics because you simply cannot guess at what beliefs or preferences those reading it may hold. On the other hand, don't stick to topics that are so safe as to be boring and cause the reader to put your resume into the "yawn pile".
  3. Be accurate where required. Unless you're writing something creatively from a fictional standpoint, any facts included must be checked and double-checked for accuracy, especially if this is part of what you are being assessed on. If you aren't sure about something, leave it out until you can clarify it.
    • Include references as appropriate. It shows that you have gone the extra mile and that you care about accuracy.
  4. Edit with great care. Go over your article in detail to remove spelling errors and grammatical faux pas. Edit for length too; the more said in the smallest amount, the better. It proves you can write succinctly and still get across the necessary messages.
    • A friend who is good with grammar might be useful for a second set of eyes.
  5. Follow the exact guidelines for providing the article. This should be in the job description or in an email from the company. By complying with procedures, you pass another test, that of being able to follow instructions.
    • Be timely; handing your article in late does not bode well for future production of content!


  • Make sure that your information is up-to-date check over some of the background information about the company and do a fair extensive research on the topic of writing.


  • Inaccurate figures and information could lead to an unhappy boss. Do not be lazy and make sure you provide accurate data.

Things You'll Need

  • Research tools
  • Information
  • Writing platform