Write a Speech to Get You Elected
Have you recently developed the ambition to get elected to some kind of office? Now all you have to do is convince others to give you a chance. You must deliver a message that will win them over. Regardless of whether your goal is a seat in Congress or a position as freshman class secretary, the basic principles remain the same. Read on and find out how.
Knowing Your Audience
- Make the speech age appropriate. This doesn't just mean verbal restraint in front of young audiences. Every age group has different issues that face it and you must understand their concerns. Even underclassmen and seniors at the same schools have different concerns.
- Understand the socio-economic status of your target audience. An individual's relative position in society has a tremendous influence on their mindset, and their confidence (or lack thereof) influences their political actions.
- It could be claimed that such information is more relevant to adult office-seekers than to young adults who covet student or club positions. But perhaps it could be said in response that anyone who claims that socioeconomic status isn't important to high schoolers clearly remembers nothing about being a teenager.
Are you trying to win over the self-assured, or the downtrodden? Know your target demographic.
- Relate to them by discussing one of their interests. It is often useful in a speech to remark upon something of special interest to your audience. This doesn't have to be about serious subjects; many politicians open with remarks about the local sports team.
- Any admission that you know little of sports teams cannot hurt you, as long as you don't follow it up by discussing your familiarity with the owners of sports teams.
Understanding the Moment
- Fit your speech to the time constraints expected by the audience. This is not just about keeping it short, though that is usually a good suggestion; nor is it simply about keeping within the allotted time. If this is a big speech and the crowd has been waiting for you, it is almost inappropriate to deliver a brief address. Give them what they came for, but know when to call it a day.
- Understand the current trends. What are people talking about right now? Have recent events made something especially important? You must keep up on issues of pressing interest that are relevant to the position for which you are applying.
- Know what the audience is ready for. Has the audience been put to sleep by previous speakers? Is your speech at the climax of some long conference or association gathering? The audience may need a wake-up call. Such a speech may not be appropriate at all times, when more sedate discussions of ideas are more appropriate.
- William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold Speech" at the 1896 Democratic National Convention was perhaps the finest examples of a speech perfectly timed to fit the occasion. Coming at the end of a nasty debate (and the day before the party was to nominate its presidential candidate), the dramatic delivery and hopeful message of the speech won the admiration of the delegates. The next day, the convention nominated Bryan as the party's presidential candidate.
Writing and Preparing the Speech
- Use common, almost conversational language. Remember that your goal is to be understood, not simply impress people with your intelligence. People will already think you are smart if you have the same ideas as them, and the use of words or phrases that are currently uncommon will not be beneficial. Keep sentences short and easily understood.
- Proofread it. If this speech matters to you, mistakes are unacceptable. It may also be useful to have a friend proofread it as well.
- Practice delivering it. There will undoubtedly be parts that are grammatically correct but sound awkward. There will also be points that require special emphasis. You will only know how and when to do so by practicing the speech out loud.
- Listen to feedback. You are already convinced of your own greatness. Your job is to convince others. If the friends who listen to you are anything like your target audience, then you must pay some heed to their recommendations.
Delivering the Message
- Open strong. It is vital that you grab the audiences attention quickly. According to at least one speechwriter, "Audiences decide if they like you, and if you are a person of character, in between eight and 20 seconds of the start." You need to indicate something about your purpose within the first minute, even if it is not yet stated openly. You must at least make it clear that you are going to discuss something that they want to hear about.
- Many candidates chose to discuss something about themselves in the opening. In particular, most focus on something that connects them to either the issue they will discuss today or the audience they are talking to. Explain how you are a personally connected to something that matters to them.
- Make your message--and the tone in which it is delivered--clear to your audience.
- Your ultimate goal must be stated within the first minutes. Details are not necessary at this point, but in the ideal scenario you will be laying out a vision that you share with the audience.
- Once again, the amount of specifics you provide about how you will achieve your goals should be tailored to fit the audience. Are they one that is interested in such specifics, or will generalities do?
- Your tone must be relatively upbeat. You can criticize the current situation, but those leaders who have been most successful at building mass followings have presented messages of hope.
- Even more than any policy, remember that your are convincing the audience to vote for you. Any proposal that you present must be tied to your ability to make it a reality. If you can make clear that you are the best hope for the change your propose, you have made you election a necessity for at least some of those who are listening. If that group is large enough, your victory is all but assured.
- Close strong. Yes, yes, the introduction is vitally important. Well it is. The conclusion is nearly as vital. Here, you must explain to the audience what they must do in order to make change happen.
- While obviously you want them to vote for you, it is often better to create a small amount of distance here. Give the audience agency; allow them to "make a statement" on election day. The speech should explain how your election is simply the best way they can empower themselves.
- Find a friend that fits the speech's target demographic and get comments on your speech.
- Prepare seriously: practice makes perfect.
- Think of this as a casual conversation between you and one other person. Act as if you do not have a large audience in front of you.
- If you feel at any time that your speech is dragging on, ensure you do not read directly from the paper and begin to speak from the heart.
- The effectiveness of your speech depends on each of your audiences and whether it fit each of them.
- Don't try to be too funny, or they might think the speech is just a joke to you and you don't care about the topic.
- This guide is not guaranteed to make your speech perfect.
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- Write a Speech
- Give a Speech
- Prepare and Give a Speech
- Run for Political Office
- Write a Presidential Speech
- Write a Speech for School Elections
Sources and Citations
- http://books.google.com/books?id=Hoz-fNJDnwMC&pg=PA223&lpg=PA223&dq=socioeconomic+status+psychology+political&source=bl&ots=6EW-ESUWob&sig=MGXynozUl0qBksc0_JaSq5Zi2Hw&hl=en&sa=X&ei=LUtQVOadG-rfsASP8YCAAw&ved=0CDIQ6AEwAjgK#v=onepage&q=socioeconomic%20status%20psychology%20political&f=false
- http://espn.go.com/blog/big12/post/_/id/54178/isus-rhoads-wowed-by-obama-shoutout
- http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/post/mitt-romney-trades-campaign-trail-for-daytona-500/2012/02/26/gIQAMsHpcR_blog.html
- http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5354/
- http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/speeches/
- http://www.toastmasters.org/ToastmastersMagazine/ToastmasterArchive/2008/July/Departments/HowTo.aspx