Write an Office Manual

Office manuals are an integral part of any business organization because they communicate company policies that must be adhered to. Most office manuals fall into one of two categories: policies and procedures manuals or employee handbooks. No matter what kind of manual you are writing, organizing the content in a logical way is critical to your success.


Starting on the Right Foot

  1. Assign a project manager. Writing an office manual is a huge job, so you need to have someone take responsibility for it. Depending on the size of your organization, you might assign an individual or a team to the project.[1]
    • HR is typically responsible for writing an employee handbook, but department managers would probably be a better choice for a policies and procedures manual. If you are the owner of a small company, you can take on the task yourself, as long as you have some time to commit to it.
    • Make sure the person in charge of writing the manual has strong writing skills. It's very important that the manual be clear and easy to read.
  2. Use the appropriate language. Your manual needs to communicate policies to all of your employees as efficiently as possible, so it should be straightforward and easy to read.[2]
    • Be cautious about using too much industry jargon, especially if you have some employees who may not be familiar with it at all.
    • Use acronyms sparingly and clarify any that you do use.
    • Make sure the language of your manual fits with the culture of your company.
    • Formatting is important too. Make sure your headings are bold, you have a clear table of contents, and there is enough white space so that employees can easily skim the document to find the information they need.
  3. Encourage employee input. Depending on the type of business you have and the type of manual you are putting together, you might really benefit from the cooperation of your whole team. In order to make sure that you get the most out of everyone, be sure to communicate to all of your employees the purpose of the manual and the importance of their input.[3]
    • Try to emphasize the benefits that the manual will bring to your employees, such as clarifying confusing procedures or decreasing the amount of time it will take new employees to get settled. Otherwise they may just see the manual as a disciplinary document.
  4. Know the review process. Before you get started on your project, you should have a clear understanding of who will be working on it and in what capacity. It's especially important to decide who will be responsible for the final review before the manual is distributed.
  5. Plan to update it frequently. Your office manual will be an ever-changing document, so you need to plan on updating it frequently. You need to decide from the beginning who will be responsible for updating the manual and how often revisions will be done.[4]
    • You can also encourage employees to notify a point person whenever they notice a change that needs to be made to the manual.
    • Depending on your organization, you may choose to print hard copies of your manual, or you may opt to have an electronic manual, which will be much easier to update frequently.

Writing a Policies and Procedures Manual

  1. Divide by department. Start by coming up with a list of tasks that each department at your organization is responsible for completing.[5]
    • You can assign this task to a single person or to one individual in each department. If it falls on one person, make sure he or she has the support of the department heads.
  2. Write job descriptions. Once you know what each department is responsible for, determine exactly what tasks each employee does within each department. This will help you evenly distribute the workload and will leave you better prepared to hire new employees when the time comes.[6]
    • It may be helpful to create an organizational chart that outlines who each employee should report to, especially if this is currently unclear in your organization.
  3. Outline procedures. Once you have a list of tasks that each employee is responsible for, it's time to dig deeper into each task and write step-by-step instructions for how to complete them. The point of this is to help in the training of new employees and to make it easier for existing employees to cover each other's work during absences.[7]
    • Make sure to outline details such as where documents are saved, where certain supplies are kept, and how to contact vendors and customers.
    • It's a good idea to have someone review each task by attempting to complete it by following the instruction precisely. Make sure the reviewer is not the same person who typically completes the task. It will quickly become apparent if there are missing steps or inefficiencies.
  4. Consider monthly and annual tasks. In addition to outlining the procedures for daily tasks that your employees complete, be sure to account for larger projects that occur infrequently, such as quarterly reviews or annual presentations.[8]
    • Try to establish a schedule for each of these tasks so that new employees will understand when to begin preparing for them.
  5. Provide useful information for new employees. In addition to providing details about how to complete the tasks required of the job, you may wish to provide your new employees with some extra tips to help get them acquainted with the office. This will reduce their reliance on other employees, and hopefully make them feel comfortable more quickly. You may want to include information on things like[9]:
    • The location of the bathrooms, break rooms, and mail room
    • How to use the phone, printer, computer, and other equipment
    • Where to park
    • How to order supplies

Writing an Employee Handbook

  1. Know the legal requirements. There are probably a lot of things you want to include in your employee handbook, but you may not know that there are also things you are legally required to include. You need to make sure to include information on equal employment opportunities, harassment, family medical leave, accommodations for people with disabilities. worker's compensation, military leave, breast feeding accommodations, and leave for victims of a crime.[10]
    • If applicable, include information about the company's non-disclosure agreements and/or conflict of interest statements.[11]
    • If the work environment is dangerous in any way, include information about the steps you take to ensure employee safety, as well as what they employees are expected to do.[12]
    • Although not legally required, it's also a good idea to include clauses regarding the company's right to terminate employees at will and to make changes to the manual. This will help protect the company if a former employee files a lawsuit.
    • Employment laws are different in every state. It's a good idea to consult an attorney before you publish your employee handbook, just to make sure you didn't include or omit anything that might be damaging.
  2. Include information on hours and attendance. Your employee handbook should clearly communicate to employees when they are expected to be in the office and how many hours they are expected to work each week.[13]
    • Also include information about overtime pay, being sure to clearly state who is and is not eligible for overtime.
    • Make sure employees know how to report an absence.
    • If you offer flexible hours, outline the procedure for taking advantage of this benefit.
    • Let employees know when and how they should expect their paychecks as well.
  3. Talk about benefits. Be sure to devote a section of your manual to benefits, including paid time off, medical insurance, life insurance, the company's 401k plan, and anything else you offer. Be thorough in your explanations of these benefits so that most questions can be answered simply by consulting the manual.[14]
    • If your benefits are provided by an outside provider, let employees know where to find more information about the program.
    • If you have a combination of hourly and salaried employees or part-time and full-time employees, be sure to clearly outline who falls into which category and what benefits are available to whom.[15]
  4. Lay out a code of conduct. The employee handbook is also the place to establish the rules by which your employees must abide. You can also establish a disciplinary procedure, but make sure it is not so specific that it may not be appropriate in certain circumstances.[16] Common topics covered by the code of conduct include[17]:
    • Unexcused absences and late arrivals
    • Dress code
    • Drug/alcohol policy
    • How to interact with clients and coworkers
    • Social media policy
  5. Describe the review process. Your employees will find it helpful if they know exactly how their performance reviews will be conducted and when to expect them. Be as specific as possible in outlining the procedures and the expectations.[18]
  6. Include procedures. Your office probably has a lot more procedures than you would imagine, so it may take some time to think of everything you need to address in your manual. Try to think about all of the questions a new employee might have about how your office works, including things like[19]:
    • How to clock in and out
    • Lunch and break policies
    • Telecommuting policies
    • How to request time off
    • How to file a complaint against a coworker
    • Inclement weather policies


  • Avoid items that will be quickly outdated.
  • Make sure you enforce your policies consistently.[20]
  • You will probably end up with multiple drafts of your manual. It will be a time-consuming task, but editing and revising is essential.
  • Consider using a ready-made manual template, which can be found online for free in some cases.
  • You should consider drafting an emergency plan and a disaster recovery plan, which may or may not be included in your manual.[21]
  • Keep the tone of the office manual consistent with the atmosphere of your company. For example, if you are a completely virtual company, your manual would likely have a more informal tone than a brick and mortar corporation.
  • Keep it simple. It is not necessary to use complicated language.
  • Use acronyms sparingly and clarify any that you do use.
  • Consider an online manual. Benefits include such things as cost-effectiveness, ease of access for employees and quick and efficient editing.If you do opt for online, be sure it is a secure site.
  • Assign an individual or schedule yourself for updates and edits to the manual on regular basis.


  • Do not publish your manual until it has been thoroughly checked by your legal and/or Human Resources team for compliance issues.


  1. Jump up http://edwardlowe.org/digital-library/how-to-write-an-operations-manual/
  2. Jump up https://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/hifi/files/risk-management-resources/risk-management-handouts/Office_Procedures_Manual.pdf
  3. Jump up http://edwardlowe.org/digital-library/how-to-write-an-operations-manual/
  4. Jump up http://edwardlowe.org/digital-library/how-to-write-an-operations-manual/
  5. Jump up http://edwardlowe.org/digital-library/how-to-write-an-operations-manual/
  6. Jump up https://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/hifi/files/risk-management-resources/risk-management-handouts/Office_Procedures_Manual.pdf
  7. Jump up http://edwardlowe.org/digital-library/how-to-write-an-operations-manual/
  8. Jump up https://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/hifi/files/risk-management-resources/risk-management-handouts/Office_Procedures_Manual.pdf
  9. Jump up https://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/hifi/files/risk-management-resources/risk-management-handouts/Office_Procedures_Manual.pdf
  10. Jump up http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/06/what-to-include-in-employee-handbook.html
  11. Jump up https://www.sba.gov/content/employee-handbooks
  12. Jump up https://www.sba.gov/content/employee-handbooks
  13. Jump up https://www.sba.gov/content/employee-handbooks
  14. Jump up http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/employee-handbook-benefits-30207.html
  15. Jump up http://www.dentaleconomics.com/articles/print/volume-102/issue-9/features/top-five-policies-for-your-employee-office-manual.html
  16. Jump up http://www.inc.com/magazine/20080801/how-to-assemble-an-employee-handbook.html
  17. Jump up http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/80424
  18. Jump up http://www.dentaleconomics.com/articles/print/volume-102/issue-9/features/top-five-policies-for-your-employee-office-manual.html
  19. Jump up https://www.lawyersmutualnc.com/hifi/files/risk-management-resources/risk-management-handouts/Office_Procedures_Manual.pdf
  20. Jump up http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/80424
  21. Jump up http://edwardlowe.org/digital-library/how-to-write-an-operations-manual/