Act Like a Rich Girl
Everyone wants to be successful and make money. But even if you aren’t making a lot of money yet, you can still act the part of a rich girl. What makes wealthy people stand out is not really their money—it’s their lifestyle, and the confident way in which they speak, dress, and act. By making a few simple changes to your life, you can stand out in the same way without changing who you really are.
Acting Rich
- Be confident and relaxed. You can have the most expensive clothes and accessories, but they mean nothing if you don’t have confidence. Try listening to your favorite music before you go into a social situation, smile and stand up straight, and make eye contact with people. This will let people know you’re confident and friendly, and you’ll look like a million bucks.
- To relax, breath in through your nose for four seconds, and out through your nose for four seconds.
- Before going into a situation where you need a boost of confidence, think about a time in your past that you had a great success. Maybe your sports team won a big game, or you got an A on a difficult test or paper. Then think about how that made you feel, and the confident way in which you spoke and acted afterwards when telling friends or family. Carry that same confident attitude into your current situation.
- Be polite and use excellent manners. Wealthy people are often raised to be well-mannered. It may seem simple, but just remembering to say “please” and “thank you” in many social situations goes a long way. You can follow rules for proper table manners and other etiquette, but the best thing you can do is simply be kind to others. When in doubt, remember, “common good over individual gain."
- Even if you disagree with someone, a polite way to respond is to show that you’ve been listening by beginning with “I see what you mean, but…” rather than just “I disagree.”
In other words, speak and act in such a way that puts others before yourself.
- Develop your vocabulary and speak clearly. One of the first things other people may notice about you is the way you speak. Well-mannered and respected people use clear, intelligent language with a large vocabulary. Enunciate your words when you speak and read more to build your vocabulary.
- Learn a new word every day easily with a word-a-day calendar or online dictionary.
- Read up on current events. Read the front page of a newspaper or an online news site every day. Even if you don’t discuss current events with your friends, developing an awareness of the world outside your community is a sign of education and worldliness.
- Use a news roundup website or app, or follow your favorite news sources on social media, to make keeping up with current events easy.
- Focus on education. Knowledge and education are hallmarks of the wealthy. No matter where you are in life, focus on further education—whether that’s finishing high school or a GED, completing a 2- or 4-year college degree, or going back to school for a Masters or PhD graduate program. Pay attention in class and put in the work it takes to excel in different subjects. Education not only makes you appear wealthy; it is the first step to actually earning money later in life.
- If you have trouble focusing on school work, buy some cute new planners and notebooks to help you manage your time and homework. Then reward yourself for good grades with a new outfit, a manicure, or something else you’d love to have.
- Find new hobbies. Rich people often have many hobbies and social circles for each activity. You can easily do this too, often with little to no money. Try joining new clubs or classes, or sports that rich people often play, like golf, tennis, polo, sailing, or crew. You’ll meet new friends, learn a new skill, and gain confidence in something you might never have thought you’d be good at.
- If you can’t join a new club or sport, start collecting something. It can be anything! Collecting makes for an enjoyable, and often inexpensive, way to easily become an expert on whatever it is you collect, which is impressive to other people and gives you something to talk about.
- Make time to volunteer. Rich people climb the social ladder by volunteering their time to worthy causes. They meet new people and do something good for their communities. You can join a group like Girl Scouts, Habitat for Humanity, or Big Brothers Big Sisters, or pitch in to volunteer for a local organization to achieve the same respect and social standing as a rich person.
Looking Rich
- Style your hair. Get your haircut regularly, and style it in a way that’s flattering on you and easy to maintain. For example, a sleek ponytail looks great on round faces, while oval-shaped faces are suited well to blunt bangs and straight hair.
- Go to a salon to get your hair done, especially if you’re dyeing it. Your hair will look much more chic when you get it done by a professional.
- Take care of your skin. Rich girls often look like they have flawless skin. Follow a skincare routine, like a three-step set of cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. Eat plenty of fruits, veggies, and nuts so that your skin glows and looks healthy from the inside out.
- An easy way to make your skin look amazing is simply to get a good amount of sleep! Aim for 8-9 hours a night. Even if it’s slightly more or less than this, stick to the same number of hours each night and try going to sleep and waking up at about the same times, even on weekends.
- Apply makeup tastefully. If you like wearing makeup, keep it simple and classy. It can add extra polish to a regular outfit and upgrades your look. But when it comes to makeup, less is more! A little foundation, mascara, and eyeliner is often all you need to enhance your natural beauty.
- Find a foundation that matches your skin tone, and blend it evenly into your face, without caking it on. If you use blush, just the smallest amount dabbed on to the roundest part of your cheek works best. With eyeliner, just the thinnest line possible along your upper eyelid makes for a classy look that still defines your eyes nicely.
- Wear less jewelry, not more. Just like makeup, jewelry can really step up your outfit. But multiple rings, bracelets, and dangly earrings worn at the same time is overkill. Keep it simple and classy with one or two nice pieces of jewelry that complement your outfit for an elegant look.
- You don’t have to break the bank to wear some nice jewelry. Small hoops or studs for your ears work with any outfit. A pearl necklace is a classic rich girl look, and you can find imitation pearls at reasonable prices. A gold chain with a charm is another classic that looks as good with jeans and a t-shirt as it does with a little black dress.
- Whiten your teeth with white strips. Rich girls can afford professional in-office whitening treatments from their dentists, but if you want to achieve the same look of shining white teeth, you can do it for less at home with whitening strips, toothpaste, and mouthwash.
- Re-do your nail polish often. Even if you can't afford a manicure every weekend, make sure your nails are clipped, filed, and buffed, and your polish is fresh. Use a topcoat over your nail color to make it last longer.
- Get quality, classic clothes. You don’t need to buy the designer labels that rich girls wear to have an expensive-looking, put-together outfit. Shopping at outlets is a great way to find stylish clothes that won't cost as much.
- Base your wardrobe on classic separates that you can mix and match, using neutral colors. Then you can spice them up with a colorful trendy item or two. When trends change, your reliable basics will still be with you.
- Try following the “one-third rule.” Buy one-third of the clothes that you usually do, but spend three times as much on the item of clothing. Instead of having several cheap pairs of pants that all don’t fit you quite right, spend that money on one perfectly-fitting pair that you can wear everywhere.
- Keep your shoes and clothes clean. No matter the quality of your clothes and shoes, they will look much more elegant if kept in good condition. Polishing shoes and cleaning, ironing, and lint-rolling clothes will make you look your best. People are impressed with accessories that look good, no matter the brand.
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