Act at a College Party

For many high school newly-grads, the party scene is their top priority as they transition from the watchful eyes of their parents towards limitless freedom away from home. However, if you've never been to a college party before, you may be anxious and hesitant, not knowing the rules of proper behavior at a college party. If you're a new college undergraduate who wants to explore the parties on campus or if you're a party regular who never learned the proper college party etiquette, then learning how to act at a college party may be important to you. Your expected college party behavior will revolve around the golden rule, "Treat others as you yourself wish to be treated."


  1. Expect alcohol to be present. Unless you're going to a conservative event or a school-sanctioned event, there will be alcohol available, whether it's in the form of beer, hard liquor, or even wine. You don't necessarily have to drink at a college party, but you should accept the fact that many students go to parties in order to drink alcohol. If you dislike or have an aversion to alcohol, it may be best for you to avoid college parties.
  2. Expect people to be loud and possibly obnoxious. Due to the amount of alcohol often present at college parties, drinkers may end up drinking more than their bodies can handle, resulting in uninhibited speech and behavior. You should make peace with the fact that people often go to college parties to unwind and let loose.
  3. Respect the host and his guests. College party hosts often do not always get the respect and recognition that they deserve. The host has opened up his residence so that others can use the space for some fun and relaxation. The host may even have provided the guests with snacks and drinks. At the very least, you should thank the host, respect his guests, and leave when the host says the party is over.
  4. Dance if a dance floor is provided. Don't feel self-conscious, even if you're not a great dancer. Dancing is one of the best ways to have fun at a college party, especially if you don't drink alcohol. If you do dance, make sure you dance in an open area and be careful that you don't hit or step on someone near you.
  5. Relax and talk to the other guests. The majority of the other party guests have come to the party seeking some fun and entertainment. If you're sitting alone in a corner and as silent as a clam, not only will you appear out of place, but you may drag down the mood of the other guests around you. Approach and initiate conversation with other people.
  6. Bring your own alcohol if you want to get intoxicated. College parties often provide the guests with alcohol free of charge, but that alcohol was likely paid for by the host out of their own pocket. It is considered disrespectful to be a freeloader, or someone who attends a party simply to drink all of the free alcohol. Either bring your own alcohol or, in some cases, donate some money to the host to reimburse for the alcohol.
  7. Have fun. The ultimate reason why college students host and attend parties is to have fun. College students don't have many prerequisites regarding proper party behavior for their parties. As long as you're having fun and respecting the other party guests, you'll fit right in.

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