Add Read More to Wordpress

WordPress is an open-source blogging software that boasts millions of users. Its popularity largely stems from the user-friendly interface that allows people to use artfully designed and themed templates. The software is used both on blogs hosted by and self-hosted blogs on private websites that download from By writing or pasting into these templates, bloggers can update their blog from a computer or phone. An increasing number of bloggers are posting excerpts of their posts, which allows users to click on a link that says "Read More" in order to continue reading the post. WordPress has made this process easier by including a button in the HTML settings to customize an excerpt. This article will tell you how to add "Read More" to WordPress.


  1. Sign into your blog account on WordPress.
    • If you do not have a WordPress blog, go to the WordPress home page and click on the orange button that says "Get Started Here." It will take you through the sign up process.
  2. Click on "My Account" on the left side of the top horizontal toolbar.
  3. Scroll down through your dashboard. Your dashboard is the vertical list on the left side of the page. Click on the small arrow to the right of the "Posts" Tab. This will show you options for your posts, including "All Posts," "Add New," "Categories," "Post Tags" and "Copy a Post."
  4. Click "All Posts" to take you to posts you have already written. This is a good place to learn how to use the "Read More" code.
    • If you do not have any posts, select "Add New" instead. This will take you to your "Add New Post" page and allow you to blog. Type in the title and text.
  5. Hover over your post title and click "edit" below the title. Click on the HTML view tab instead of the standard WordPress Visual Editor tab.
  6. Find the insertion point for "Read More." It is a button on the toolbar that says "More."
  7. Place your cursor at the point in your post where you want to end your excerpt and put the "Read More" link.
  8. Click on the "More" button. This will insert the "Read More" code. You should place the link at a point where the reader knows what the post is about. It should also entice them to read more. Try to place it at 2 to 3 paragraphs or less into the article.
  9. Click the "Update" button to save changes, or click the "Preview" button to view the page before you publish it.
  10. Return to your blog to see your published changes.


  • You can also use HTML coding with the <!--more-->
  • You can use this script for adding more in all posts. It takes one quarter of post content and find and new line character.
    • (\n). update wp_posts set post_content = insert(post_content, locate('\n', post_content, CHARACTER_LENGTH(post_content)/4), 0, '\n\n');

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