Automatically Share YouTube Activities to Facebook and Twitter

Do you share a lot of videos through YouTube, or do you not have an account at YouTube, and you share videos manually? Did you realize there is any easier way to share these, with just a few clicks? You'll find out how to do such a thing, with the use of this article. Read on to find out these steps.


  1. Visit and login to your YouTube account on the YouTube homepage in your web browser. Sign into YouTube using your YouTube credentials that you asked to sign-up by (Your username is your existing email address you signed up with, and password you specified into the appropriate boxes.)
  2. Click on your username in the top-right corner of the provided personalized homepage, and click "YouTube Settings".
  3. Click on the "Connected Accounts" from the left-hand tabs at the left of your screen. This used-to be called "Activity Sharing", then it became just sharing" and now it's called "Connected Accounts" (to completely confuse every user).
  4. Open another browser window, or another tab.
  5. Visit either the Facebook or Twitter websites (or both). Sign into the sites you'd like to connect to your account, to make the connection easier in YouTube.
  6. Click on the "Connect" button to the right of your respective sharing service on the resulting page on the YouTube tab.
  7. Authorize all boxes that come up, which allow posting to your favorite sharing-service's wall/account area. It'll also grab your real name, but not to worry, it won't harm your well-being in any way. You may have to repeat this step several times to authorize every activity YouTube will need to perform the operation for/with.
  8. Click on each of the buttons to the left of the sharing item(s) you'd like to share. Some of the major ones you may want to share include (but are not limited to):
    • Upload a video
    • Add video to public playlist
    • Like a video or save a playlist.
  9. Go to the video you'd like to share.
  10. Like the video, or upload a video to test it out. Later, you can test out the feature where it shows the comments you posted on videos on your social network feeds.
  11. Go to your sharing service, and make sure that it posted.
    • Dependent on your action, the terminology they'll use on each service is a bit different.
    • If it has, good. You're all done. Repeat for whatever other videos you'd like to work with.
    • If not, contact for details on how to fix this problem.


  • Disconnecting from these services is just as easy. Open up this activity sharing page, and click "Disable AutoShare" to whatever service you would like to stop sharing to, and then click "Disconnect."
    • Go to your service, and remove the app from your account. Steps vary as to removing the app, so ask your social network how-to do this step.
  • If you'd still like to share videos manually (one-by-one) the option is still there: Read Post a YouTube Video on Facebook for details.
  • Watch Later is a private playlist which only you have the rights to use, and thereby will not be seen on your social network feeds.


  • Google dropped something again from the Automatic Share feature of YouTube. YouTube used to be able to post videos you favorite to your social networks. however, this feature has been completely removed from the automatic share feature.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet access
  • YouTube account
  • Facebook and/or Twitter account
  • several type of activities on Twitter for several videos
  • countless/numerous YouTube videos to watch

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